
Changes in life often mimic the seasons. For those of you who don’t know, I recently accepted a full-time faculty position at a local college. So far, it has been a deeply rewarding experience, and I feel honored to be able to share some of my insights with these budding students. My challenge, however, is finding time to write. While I’ve been able to continue energy coaching on Saturdays and in the evenings, carving out writing time is another matter all together. This morning, I was asking myself where to start…. What project to pick up…. Which of my three “books in progress” to work on, when it came to me to write a blog post.

So I’m writing to you. I want to stay connected and continue to do what I do. But while the essence of a person’s expression remains relatively unchanged, the form of how it’s expressed shifts over time. This feels like one of those times in life that everything old is crumbling while new forms emerge. I look forward to keeping you posted and sharing my insights as they arise.

Lots of Love and Blessings to you!