Michelle Obama’s Speech

I was reminded tonight why I am so committed to spiritual, mental, emotional, physical and relational health.

I, along with some of you I’m sure, watched Michelle Obama speak at the first night of the Democratic National Convention. She told a story about when her and Obama first met and she accompanied him to a community meeting in Chicago. She said that he shared some things at that meeting that she never forgot.

That night, over ten years ago, Obama talked about the fact that there is the reality about how things are, and the ideal of how they could be. He reminded the people at the meeting to always do their best to achieve the ideal and never to settle for less.

I have received some criticism over the years for always pointing out the difference between what is verses the ideal or healthy alternative. The crisp vision between the two has been both a blessing and a curse for me. Bosses, partners and friends would sometimes prefer to live in status quo – something I can’t seem to do, unless, of course, the status quo is optimally healthy.

Tonight I feel encouraged that someone I admire as much as Barack Obama is fueled by a similar motivation: closing the gap between mediocrity and potential.

Power vs. Force

I’m sure some of you have heard of the book, Power vs. Force by David Hawkins. It’s a classic amongst self-help junkies like me, and a great book that explores the difference between mental force and spiritual power.

The heart/mind connection I’ve been studying lately states the same message – that an intention backed by the heart is vastly more powerful than a mental intention alone. To illustrate this, Marci Schimoff – who also spoke at World Wellness Weekend in Austin – had the audience do the following exercise: One person held their hands up with the palms facing one another. The other person was to press their hands back together using strength. This proved near impossible. Next, we were to tune into our hearts and try again – Viola! With heart centered power it was easier to move the palms of our partners together.

Frustrated with my homeowners association and desperate for some help with a problem I’ve been having – suffice to say roof rats or pigeons are involved, and possibly both – anyhow, I crafted a direct and polite email while paying attention to my heart and sent it off. Rather than being irritated and agitated, I stayed open and heart centered. I have not heard back yet, but I will keep you posted..

In the meantime, I’d appreciate any good vibes sent in this direction, as I could use your support:)


Have you heard of entrainment? It’s the synchronization of two or more rhythmic cycles. It was discovered in the 17th century by a clock maker. Before going to bed, he noted that all the pendulums on his clocks were swinging at different rates. In the middle of the night he woke up to discover that they were all in harmony. Perplexed, he got up and set them all uniquely again, and within hours found that they had once again entrained.

Since that time, scientists have observed that the principle of entrainment is universal and exists in nature, architecture, chemistry etc. I’ve been reading about how it applies to the body in the book, Heartmath, which I mentioned in a recent blog.

The way it works is that all organism entrain with the strongest vibration within the system. The heart happens to be the strongest organ in the body, and when we are entrained (in alignment) the rest of the organs are synchronized with the heart. When we are in sync, the intuitive and rational minds work together beautifully and we are powerful. When we “get ahead of ourselves” or become disconnected we are leading with our heads without the support of the heart. In this case, we lose our power.

In only takes five minutes of giving your mind over to your heart to initiate entrainment. This means five minutes of not thinking – not feeding your head energy so that it is free to get in rhythm with the heart.
You’ll notice that you feel whole when you do this – connected, calm and at peace. We’ve always heard we should follow our hearts, but now we have practical suggestions on how to do it!

Do More, Talk Less..

Have you ever noticed that when you talk about an inspired idea too early the energy deflates and you lose your enthusiasm? Next thing you know, you’re on to something else and can’t even remember what you were excited about…

I believe that creative energy needs to be contained long enough to gestate and take form. This involves keeping the new concept (conception) to ourselves until it has had a chance accumulate some energy and momentum, taking on a life of its own.

I’m like a puppy – very excitable and licking everyone I come in contact with. Only instead of licking, I gush all over them, excitedly sharing my latest inspiration. This is such a frequent occurrence that I’m surprised my friends and family don’t start rolling their eyes the moment I start talking.

My new motto is “Do More, Talk Less.” I will try to refrain from sharing all the inspirations I received in yoga today and just get to work on them. Worry not – I promise to gush all over you the moment they are formed enough to live through it.

Gratitude and Attraction

We’ve all heard that in order to attract we need to practice gratitude. This makes perfect sense, but until recently I hadn’t put all the pieces of the puzzle together. According to his book, The Heartmath Solution, Doc Childre says that the heart’s electromagnetic field is approximately five thousand times greater than the mind alone.

Here’s where it all comes together… Practicing gratitude opens the heart center. With this center open, our thoughts are backed by the energy of love, and together they create a powerful electromagnetic field.

I don’t know about you, but I always need to know the why behind the what. Attracting “stuff” through practicing gratitude isn’t enough to inspire me toward action, but the knowledge that an open heart combined with a clear mind makes my energy field brighter sends me to the moon;)

Workplace Energy

Here’s a question for you… First, Do you work in a formal work environment? Second, How d0 you keep your energy untangled from the drama so that you can remain fresh and life-filled?

Working in a setting with many people – each with a unique psychic landscape – can be challenging. Emotional triggers, power struggles, and toxic zings fly around the room looking for a place to land.

Here’s what I recommend when things get tricky:

Observe – Notice the dynamics that are occurring.
Acknowledge – Admit to yourself that what’s happening isn’t ideal.
Refuse to Play – Refuse to engage in the unhealthy dynamic.
Stay Connected – Keep your awareness on your breath – this creates an energetic buffer between you and the drama.

If you have any tips for keeping energized in the midst of unhealthy dynamics at work, I’d like to hear about them. Also, if you work in a positive and healthy work environment, I’d love to hear what you think makes it so.

In terms of an update on my situation – I’ve decided to stay focused on my mission to bring more light into this world through my own demonstration, teaching and coaching. I will leave you on that super lovely and exciting note and hope to hear from you about your work experiences!

Fountain of Love

Yesterday I became inspired to stroll through a nearby neighborhood to check out the houses. As I walked down the first street, I noticed a couple of young guys hanging around a car in a driveway. A few minutes later I heard one of the boys yell inside his house, “We’re leaving, I Love you!” I smiled and thought how nice it was that a teenager would be so overtly loving to his family, while my humorous self fantasized about turning around, waving, and yelling, “I love you too!” They would have been mortified:)

I continued to walk and came across a BEAUTIFUL, white house with flowing water fountain sounds coming from the enclosed courtyard. Intense red wildflowers covered dark brown, little stones (think Greece). I was completely inspired by the beauty and divine order emanating from this home.

A few houses down I walked by another teen-age boy. He was super cute and edgy, and was talking on his cell phone. I wondered if he was a challenge for his mom. Just as I passed his driveway I heard him yell, “I’m leaving mom, I love you.” Can you believe that? Two boys at the prime age of coolness yelling “I love you” to their mothers where the whole neighborhood can hear.

I thought to myself, teenage boys sure are nice these days. A while later a thought popped into my head that maybe my energy inspired these boys the way the house inspired me… I’m not always a fountain of love, but yesterday I did feel very open and loving.

It doesn’t really matter what made these boys express their love so openly. What does matter is that at the level of energy, we are like soup. Your vibes rub off on whoever you come near and vice versa. Every person, place and thing gives off a unique vibe that enters your energy field whether you’re aware of it or not.

It reminds me of my favorite Emerson quote, “Who you are is shouting so loudly that I can hardly hear what you say.”

Me and Mucci

My daughter has been out of town all week and it’s been just me and Mucci, my four legged companion who’s too chill for words.

It’s been an interesting time of reflection and peace. As synchronicity would have it, a friend sent me a CD called The Science of Getting Rich – thanks Sundar! My initial response to the title was along the lines of, “I’m about more than money..” But being in this place of openness and growth, I gave it a listen.

I’m here to tell you that it is the only message I’ve heard on wealth that has made deep down sense to me. Below are some nuggets the author (Wallace Wattles) shares:

  • The desire for wealth is a desire for growth and expansion which is the nature of life.
  • Getting rich on the competitive plane hurts everyone.
  • When we rise up to the creative plane of thought, getting rich adds more life to everyone.
  • There is an infinite amount of intelligent, formless substance therefore we can all be rich.
  • The only way to lift the world out of poverty is by demonstrating creative wealth.
  • Holding on to “The Truth” despite appearances allows the creative mind to work for you.

In this model it is supremely important not to dip into competitive thinking, which is common sense, but I’m afraid most of us do it all the time. Take the example of looking for the perfect car or house, finding it, and then being afraid that it won’t be there when you’re ready… This is competitive thinking. At the level of creation, the perfect thing will present itself at the perfect time.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! I for one am excited for my bundle of joy to return home to momma!

The Process is the Outcome

I often refer to the first time I heard my spiritual voice as the period in my mid-twenties when I was trying to decide if I should move to Chicago, and my inner voice said, “You need to go work on yourself so that you can love others more…” I wrote about the experience in Opening to Life and share it often because it was one of the most profound and clear messages I’ve received.

A year or two before that however, was the real first time I heard my inner voice. It was quite subtle, but it had a lasting effect on me. It was around the same time – in my twenties – when I had been struggling with a long-standing issue with food and body image. I don’t know that I had a full blown eating disorder, but it robbed my inner peace everyday, so I’m thinking that would qualify.. I basically obsessed over what and how much I ate all the time. I would restrict severely and then overeat – total nonsense.

One day while on a walk ruminating over what I had eaten, a voice inside me said, “The process is the outcome.” It repeated itself over and over, which is a tell tale sign that spirit is talking. The bigger picture that came with the words was that the choices made in each moment are more important than any future outcome.

I really got that message. It was the beginning of my healing with food, and to this day I make good decisions about what I eat because I’m aware that my well being is rooted in this moment only – whatever sprouts in the future is simply an extension of right now.

I’m being reminded of this lesson during this time of transition. When I tune into my highest self and do what it guides me to do in any given moment I experience peace. However, when I forget to focus on NOW, I fall into a sort of funk that I later have to climb out of through Right Action again.
Right Action in the moment in every area of life. Now that’s freedom. The outcome is out of our hands, but in reality the process is the outcome.

Personal Energy Independence

I was invited back on Louie Free’s Radio Show today – Brain food from the heartland. Louie is a big-hearted radio host on the East Coast who likes to educate his listeners. Proclaiming himself “crude” at times, Louie tells it like it is. I think he’s awesome, and he has a lot of listeners who feel the same way. The show will be available on his archives tomorrow at free.vindy.com.

Here’s a piece I wrote for his blog:

With The Fourth of July quickly approaching, Louie Free and I engaged in a lively discussion about energy independence – personal energy independence that is. He asked that I share a couple of thoughts on the subject.

What I’ve found is that modern society, for all its comforts and advancements, has produced a profound sense of restlessness in most of us. We’ve lost touch with the abundant vital energy contained within, and have turned to compulsive activity and consumption to ease our emptiness.

The good news is that we are built to be full of life – even bright – and the only thing standing between us and personal energy independence is a mindset and a hand full of tools. I’m looking forward to continuing this conversation with Louie on Tuesday, but for now, remember that your vitality is a gift you bring wherever you go.