Podcast / Blog

Many of us are becoming more energy sensitive. This is an indication that you have reached a certain level on your journey toward a High Vibrational Life. While others might find your sensitivity "annoying," rest assured that this increased ability to sense energy is the result of you becoming more
Had the opportunity to do a deep dive on flow with entrepreneur and peak performance enthusiast Scott Dillingham of The Wisdom Lifestyle Money Show.
Deep in our hearts is the knowing that we are a part of something greater than ourselves--that we are meant to take our rightful place in the greater flow of life and add our essence to the web of energy that flows through all that is.
This episode explores the organic process of energy metabolism and the most common ways energy is lost prior to completing its metabolic cycle.
Feelings are closely tied to intuition. They guide and direct our choices. Emotions, on the other hand, reveal the buried patterns within our energy system. Transforming these patterns is the key to reclaiming your energy and embodying your multi-dimensional, high vibrational nature.
Feelings are closely tied to intuition. They guide and direct our choices. Emotions, on the other hand, reveal the buried patterns within our energy system. Transforming these patterns is the key to reclaiming your energy and embodying your multi-dimensional, high vibrational nature.
Cristie and DeAnna visit with Kimberly Kingsley to discuss how they can raise their frequency with four simple tools. They talk about how living authentically creates a higher vibration and how that translates to more clarity, peace, and a joyous life.
Many people now realize the connection between mucus and health or a lack thereof. Prof. Spira lives lives, breathes, and teaches what it means to live a mucus-free life. Interviewing him was a blast and really eye-opening! Learn more at mucusfreelife.com
Spiritual principles, while true from a purely energetic standpoint, don't take into consideration our embodied reality. This can lead to avoiding situations that are patiently waiting to be integrated. 
A new world is being birthed on this planet. Actually, it’s already here. Sometimes this new world is difficult to perceive because the old crumbling world is so chaotic, and often all consuming.
If you desire to evolve into your highest self in 2022, here are a few key principles of nature that promise to carry you forward...
Transformation can be difficult to navigate. It can bring up anxiety, obsessive thinking, denial, and escapism.