Shifting Sand

Yesterday my sister told me about a man who had a spiritual awakening in the sand dunes of southern California. This man has been the “black sheep” of his family (which is really the one who refuses to go along with the herd of white sheep when they are moving in the wrong direction…)

He went to the sand dunes for some recreation and over a couple of days he witnessed the dunes completely shift in form many times. He’d be on top of a huge mountain-like hill and an hour later it would transform into small rolling hills with a sharp edge on one side.

In the midst of the sand and constantly changing landscape, he had the realization that life is exactly the same. No two moments are alike and for that reason and that reason alone he vowed to be present for every one of them.

Yogi Times

Yogi Times – one of the most soulful magazines in the country based in LA and San Francisco – sent out an email yesterday saying that they are having financial difficulties due to rising operational costs and low advertising revenue. One of the creative solutions they’ve come up with is a Pay as You Wish campaign that offers a subscription for whatever you’re inspired to pay! It’s a great deal for a great magazine – if you’re a yogi or an aspiring yogi, you’ll love it!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Lately I’ve been receiving strong guidance to be grateful for everything lovely in my life. I know that we are all aware of the power of gratitude, but practicing it is so magical that it’s worth the reminder.

Over the past week or so as I’ve carefully counted my blessings, I’ve become so full inside that I want for nothing. As I look at my adorable dog Mucci (who happens to be my Valentine this year), or the beautiful cream colored roses that I received after doing a talk last night (which I consider my Valentine flowers), or listen to the laughter of my joy-filled daughter (who gives me a reason to make Valentine’s Day a big deal), I can’t help but enjoy this silly holiday.

I hope, whether you have an official Valentine or creatively piece together one that works perfectly for you, that you have a day full appreciation for all the loveliness and love in your life.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Love, Kim

Assessment versus Judgment

Last night at yoga I had an opportunity to witness the power of assessing versus judging. As I was putting my mat down, a cell phone began to ring – let it be known that I have a serious problem with cell phones in yoga rooms – but nevertheless, I just joked with the man next to me that if it was his he’d be in big trouble.

About ten minutes into class we did our first forward bend. With my eyes now facing the back of the room I noticed a pile of diamond jewelry next to the same woman whose cell phone rang. For an instant I thought about judging her – my mind almost went into thoughts of materialism, etc. But before it did, in a fraction of an instant, I decided to look at the jewelry and simply say to myself, “that’s information” without attaching any emotion to it at all.

Later in the class as we were doing triangle pose, I noticed that the fat on my hips was bulging over my shorts – for some reason I glanced back at the woman behind me and saw that the she was staring at my excess padding!

My reaction was interesting. Rather than trying to adjust my clothes or change positions, I clicked into appreciating and even celebrating my quirky imperfections. I allowed my bulge to stay in plain sight with complete comfort.

This was so refreshing for me, and upon reflection I have to think that the charity toward myself was an extension of my decision not to judge the woman’s cell phone and diamonds.

As we observe others and ourselves without heavy emotional judgement we become free and light inside… I guess the saying, “What goes around comes around” works both ways!

Barack Obama

Arizona plus 23 other states will be voting on the presidential candidates this Tuesday. And while I believe in the inherent goodness of all people, I also believe that it is possible to be more or less aligned with this goodness.

It is clear to me that Barack Obama, more than any other candidate I’ve seen in my lifetime (JFK was killed the year before I was born) is in tune with life in its purest sense.

I’ve heard him say recently that it’s more important to be “right” on day one than ready, and I couldn’t agree more. When a person is connected to his or her spiritual core, good decisions flow from that. My own clarity about the nature of life provides guidance beyond what my mind apart from this “bigger picture” could ever know.

For this reason, I enthusiastically support Obama and feel that he has the potential to act as a healing balm for this country and the world. I humbly share this with you, knowing that it is a delicate topic. I respect all the nominees in both parties, but sincerely hope that this bright light is our next leader.

Check out this soulful video:


Do you consider yourself to be diplomatic? Are you able to express your feelings in a way that honors both the person your talking to and yourself?

Sitting on our feelings or emotions (energy in motion) is equivalent to putting a dam up to hold life in check. We all know that eventually the dam will crumble and the energy will come out with such force that it’s destructive.

One of the best life skills we can learn is diplomacy. It is far from fake or syrupy – it is the art of sharing the truth in a way that’s not harmful.

If you have something difficult to say, you might want to write it down first and say it out loud a few times. If it leaves you feeling angry or upset, perhaps the message needs a little more refinement. Work with it until it has a feeling of neutrality – until you’ve buffed away all the hurtful debris and only the truth is left.

Emotions flow on life – we can’t stop one without stopping the other. Express yourself – the world is waiting.


I’m having a blast doing radio shows all over the country to promote The Energy Cure and spread the message of inspired living. The best part is that I can call in from home – in my pajamas if I’d like, which most of the time suits me just fine:)

Here’s a show that you can tune into if you’d like:

1/25 9:35am MTN, Seattle based program, Chat with Women, listen live on-line at

Staying Open

It’s always fun to have a new awareness. When the Truth hits it always feels new – even if we’ve heard it or known it before.

The idea of “Staying Open” is one such truth that keeps coming back to me. There are so many ways to constrict life flow – we can constrict it at its base by remaining perpetually in our heads, we can constrict it at the solar plexus by giving our power away to other people, food or substances and then chasing it in the hopes that we can somehow get it back… And many of us stop it right at the heart level for fear of being hurt again.

Spiritual energy naturally extends through us, we don’t need to work at it, our only job is to make sure we don’t constrict it in any way. Remaining open is not for sissy’s (is that a word?), rather it’s the job of a warrior – someone with courage and valiance.

That’s why Bright Ones are so precious – true brightness is hard won, but in the end it’s the only way.

“Kidneys are where it’s at…”

Yesterday I went to a yoga class where balls are used to stretch and release kinks in muscles, as well as calcifications in the feet, and the rest of the body. It’s a two hour class offered at At One Yoga called yoga and body rolling

The teacher, Kat Puralewski Myers (as seen with a yoga ball), is a Bright One. She’s completely radiant and incredibly enthusiastic about the human body. She danced into the class with a huge anatomy book and talked to us for several minutes about the kidneys, referring to them as “beautiful red jewels.”

“I’m telling you, Kidneys are where it’s at…” She would say as she passionately spoke about these beauties and what we were going to do in class to support them in their cleansing function.

She taught us that it’s important to cultivate strength in the “Sea of Energy,” which is two fingers below the belly button. She said that when you contract this area the kidneys lift and are able to take their rightful royal place in the body.

The class was a pure joy – not only because I learned a lot, but because I got to witness one of the world’s brightest in action.

I’ll never think of kidneys again in the same way.

Exciting Times!

With The Energy Cure now available in bookstores and on-line, the promotional efforts have officially begun. Radio Interviews, newspaper articles, and television are all on my schedule for the coming weeks.

Now, more than ever, I’m being called to practice what I preach. I notice each time my breathing gets shallow in response to an approaching deadline or crack-of-dawn radio interview for an East Coast program.

What keeps coming to me is that it’s all about this moment – no matter what. It’s all about staying connected to life and being present in an immediate way to whoever or whatever is in front of me.

I’m so grateful for this opportunity to spread the word of energized living, and my goal – first and foremost – is to demonstrate these life-enriching principles as I teach them.