Tasting Energy

Tasting EnergyAs you know, I’m big into purification – spiritual, emotional and physical. The last few years I’ve been really focused on the physical. I’ve always exercised and eaten healthy, but I started to feel the need to release some deeper toxins and congestion. I began fasting one day every week or two, which is a great practice. But for whatever reason – I’m chalking it up to summertime – I haven’t felt inspired to fast the past couple of months.

However, I do feel strangely pure and I think I know why… For the past year or so I’ve been drinking a spinach smoothie most mornings. I know it sounds frightening, but if you add some frozen bananas (you freeze in a ziplock), blueberries, strawberries and rice milk, it’s delicious. When I drink this greenish, purplish concoction I feel like I’m pouring life directly into my body.

For some of you this probably sounds incredibly basic, but it wouldn’t be much of an exaggeration to say that smoothies have changed my life. They have helped me learn to “taste” energy. These days if I come across something – say, a white bun on a veggie burger – I can’t eat it because I can’t taste the energy in it!

I’m now convinced that eating food that is bursting with nutrients and energy allows the body to naturally release old toxins because its getting what it really needs. Further, our cells get in touch with their inner voice and scream when we threaten to give them something that will compromise their vitality.

So, if you’re looking to physically purify, I would encourage you to incorporate fruit and vegetable smoothies into your morning. It’s a delicious way to start the day and the simplest purification tip I’ve ever come across!

Message from the Ocean

Last night I returned home from an amazing trip to Mexico. With friends, family and fun abound, making time for solitude can be a bit of a challenge, but I never go to the ocean without stealing some time alone to connect with myself and Mother Nature.

Under the auspice of a run, I set out on a little adventure. It started with an apology to the ocean for the recent oil spill and an acknowledgment of its power to regenerate and heal. I felt the ocean say that the oil spill is causing us to open our eyes and give it our attention, which is exactly what this life-sustaining body of water needs. I then asked what I can do to help.

In addition to sending healing energy through loving attention, I was silently encouraged to continue doing my part on little things that help the planet, such as recycling and conscious consumption.

Giving the ocean a Namaste and a blessing, my attention shifted to myself and my run. At one point I got the idea to collect some shells for a project, but wasn’t sure how to bring them home without getting sand all over my clothes. The weather was so beautiful that I felt like I could run forever, but eventually I turned around and headed back toward my clan.

On my way back I spotted a plastic bag and cup in the water. I looked at it sadly, and then remembering my conversation with the ocean, decided to pick it up and throw it away – thinking that if we all do a little maybe it will add up to a lot.

As I picked up this piece of trash I realized that the cup would be perfect for my shells, then it dawned on me that the bag would keep the sand from getting on my clothes! I began to smile as I felt the ocean say “Thank you for thinking of me…enjoy your shells.”

Home Cleanse

Home CleanseA few of you shared that you could relate to my last post on redefining riches. Being constantly bombarded with materialism, it can be challenging to remember that abundance is an inside job.

One of things I mentioned in that post is that I would like to have a new house. And to that, my dear and wise friend Michael suggested I give my current home a cleanse. Love this!! Seems he had the same new home desires, which led him to the idea of a home cleanse. Here’s what he had to say:

“I realized that there are plenty of things I could do (some must do things) that would increase my love and happiness for the space I currently call home. Some of those things are relatively simple and essential for energy and joy, like cleaning the clutter to reduce stress and keep the place peaceful. There are many other “embellishments” that would add “sparkle” and make the place “fresh” or “new” feeling again. That is what redecorating and home improvements are all about. However, if money is a limiting factor, just focus on the cleanse… A home cleanse. Clutter is a major source of stress and going beyond the junk, there may be some things of value that can be sold or donated to charity. That is a win-win.

Sometimes you can just move furnishings into a different layout and improve a space. Professional decorators are famous for this trick. The same piece of furniture in a different position or in a different room works in a way it didn’t before. 

Besides that there are so many low-cost upgrades that can make a huge difference. The easiest, least expensive and most popular ones I know of are paint, window treatments, new bedding or new towels. House plants are another great one for many people because it brings nature and life indoors, filters the air we breathe, etc.

So, if you want my recommendation… Clean your house, get rid of the clutter, paint the walls and by some new bed sheets or comforter. Ironically, you would probably have to do those things if you were going to make the place attractive in order to sell it to someone else! Imagine you were selling your home in 30 days and make a fix-up list. Go ahead and do all those things for YOU. I’ll bet you find yourself happier living right in the space you are now, but it will feel brand new again.”

Thanks Michael – while I’m at it I think I’ll do a car cleanse as well!

Riches Redefined

Real AbundanceI love beautiful things. Beautiful homes, shoes, cars – all of it. And I want these things in my life, but beauty and riches only take us so far. All we have to do is look around to see that there are plenty of people with lots of money who are deeply unfulfilled.

The other day as I was thinking how nice it would be to have a bigger house, it occurred to me that, while it would be fun, the house is just a symbol. What I was really craving is more life, more energy – more good/God. Life is the real source of riches. When we are full of life, everything else is just icing. Yet, when we have everything, but no life, nothing seems like enough.

Once I had this revelation, I was able to focus on bringing more “real riches” into my life. This involved eating a little less, exercising a little more, daily meditation and doing creative work.

Eating light and exercising raises our vibration so that we can feel and perceive the good/God within us. Meditating invites energy into our bodies and minds while making it easier to hear intuitive guidance.

Creative work – my favorite of the four life-enhancing behaviors – increases the velocity of life moving through us and helps us feel passionate.

So next time you find yourself longing for something new and different, ask yourself what you really want – you may find that what you’re really craving is more of you.

Good to be back!

New Website for Kimberly KingsleyAs you can see, my new web page is up and running! We decided to update the site when the blogging software became obsolete – probably an indication that it’s time to get with the times:)

I have to say that I really missed posting blogs this past month! Some of you even thought I was done.. Well, I’m not. I have a lot more to say.

As insights would come up, I’d think to myself, “I’m going to blog about this.” Then I’d remember that my blog was down – frustrating. It’s amazing how these silly words connect us – I literally felt the disconnect and didn’t like it at all.

Well I’m back now and I’d love to hear any comments you have on the new site, along with any insights/news you’ve had over the past month!

Blessings to you on this beautiful Spring day – may the cool weather in Arizona continue:)

Every Day is Earth Day

Last year at the McDowell Mountain Music Festival, Michael Franti wore a shirt that said, “Every day is Earth Day.” I couldn’t agree more.

According to an article today on the front page of Yahoo, since the first Earth Day 40 years ago, smog has dropped 25% and lead levels in the air are down 90% (did anyone know there were high levels of lead in the air??? News to me, although I was only 5 at the time;)

And although carbon dioxide levels are up 19%, we are making huge strides in our awareness and our efforts to preserve our precious planet.

Several years ago, my daughter picked up trash around our home on Earth Day. Tonight, she’s planning to have the lights off (sounds like an adventure!). But more importantly, we recycle everyday and try to be mindful about the effects we have on mother earth.

As we celebrate and conserve today, let’s try to remember that truly, “Everyday is Earth Day.”

Berries and Blossoms

Happy Spring everyone! We can now look forward to fresh berries and enjoy the blossoms all around us. The picture is from Easter and I have a huge blackberry in my mouth… Yummy:)

Surrender and Forgiveness

What do you suppose the difference is between surrender and forgiveness? Isn’t forgiveness to for-give? To perhaps allow life to go before us and make things right? Surrendering to the present moment, to all that is, to the will of life – seems energetically similar.

Today is Good Friday. For Christians, this day symbolizes persecution and death, but what if persecution and imminent death lead to Jesus’s total surrender? Maybe the day that Christians deem so heavy and fraught with guilt is actually a day of liberation? Perhaps Good Friday is actually good?

The story of the Crucifixion is tragic for sure, but I wonder if Jesus would compare the “sacrifice” he made that day to the birth of a child. Once the baby is here, the pain disappears completely.

Regardless of how you interpret this day, practicing surrender seems like a good idea, for we will all have to surrender to life someday so why not start now?

Forgiveness seems like a mixture of acceptance and surrender. It has the feel of “going with the flow,” or living life on life’s terms. Worry would be the opposite, causing one to restrict the flow and live life on our own terms. So for the rest of today – Good Friday – I vow not to worry about anything, instead I’m going to surrender to each moment regardless of what it brings.

One-day Fast

Come one, come all! I couldn’t be more excited about the fasting retreats at Smoke Tree Resort. The next one is on Saturday April 17th.

It’s only one day and you feel SO GOOD after:) This one includes a massage and a gentle yoga class (for those who are interested…) Some may just want to lounge by the pool.

Check out http://www.fastingsun.com/ for more info!

Silver Lining

Monday night I was in a car accident – a four car collision that was pretty dramatic and even traumatic. Other than a mild concussion and some back pain, I’m good. My car on the other hand…not so much, but it’s just a car.

I was on my way to meet my boyfriend for some dance lessons at a local studio where the voluptuous blond owner refers to her Latin partner in business and in life, “papa.” We were looking forward to taking some spins on the dance floor, but our fun was derailed for a time.

Some say there are no accidents in life. To be honest, I’m not sure about that, but in this case I was willing to ask myself what the lesson was for me.

I heard, “Be grateful.” Not once, but about ten times – something that happens to me when I receive guidance from my higher self. It must know I’m a little dense, so repeats important messages over and over.

It just so happened that Joel Olsteen was delivering a sermon on television that night on seeing things with a different perspective – encouraging us to look for the silver lining in every situation. I NEEDED TO HEAR THAT MESSAGE. I had become complacent and dare I say, negative? Maybe that’s too extreme, but I temporarily forgot how incredibly blessed I am.

It’s difficult for me to view the accident with anything other than gratitude. I’m not seriously hurt. My baby girl (now a tween, but I can’t stop calling her that) was not in the car, and therefore did not experience the fear and emotion that comes from such an event, and everyone around me rallied with love and support. Indeed I am blessed, and am grateful for the reminder to always focus on the silver lining rather than the dark clouds.