Baby Steps

My beautiful sister Michelle sends me Abraham Hicks videos from time to time. There are hundreds of them on YouTube on every subject you can imagine. They are very good and always get me thinking.

One of their teachings involves bridging the gap between where we are and where we want to go. When there’s a lot of disparity between the two, both vibrations attract energy and grow. When the gap or disparity gets too large or too ingrained, reaching our desired destination becomes very challenging.

I was contemplating this on my run the other day (thank goodness my iPod ran out of juice so my higher self could get a word in edgewise!) and realized that feelings of despair arise out of hopelessness that comes from a sense of inner disparity.
This is why baby steps are so important. When we set our sights on unrealistic goals, we unwittingly reinforce our current situation because the contrast is so big. Acceptance of our current situation – without making it our identity – is also important. Accepting what is, with a view toward the next step bridges the disparity gap.
The energy of acceptance is love in action. Loving ourselves and our circumstances creates the conditions for change and transformation to occur.

Phoenix Rising

Growing up in Phoenix, I never gave too much thought about the mythology associated with our city.

The other day I saw a picture of the Phoenix bird and became struck by the symbolism. The story is that this great bird lives a happy and strong life, and when it is time for death, he sets himself aflame, and then arises from the ashes.

I believe this myth is real – that new life does emerge from death. I’ve personally experienced this many times, including recently -not fun, but necessary for us spiritual warriors, or perhaps crazy fools:) The secret to inviting this powerful myth into our own lives is to be willing to let go of attachments when we are being guided to do so.

When we courageously let go, life can burn off the part of us that needs to die so that the essence of who we are can be born anew.

The Oppostite of Denial

I’ve been reading Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. His sub-title is “The Power of Thinking without Thinking.”

Gladwell tells of an experiment where participants were asked to pick from a red and blue deck of cards, with each card winning or losing money. What the participants didn’t know is that the red cards were designed to make them lose instead of win. After picking 50 cards, they started to figure it out, and could pretty much explain what was happening after 80 cards.

The interesting part is that the researchers hooked up monitors to test the stress response in the palms of the hands of the participants. What they found is that after only 10 cards, the stress response was activated when someone picked a card from the red deck. Participants also began unconsciously favoring the blue decks.

This is intuition. Our bodies know things before we do. Sometimes it takes a long time for the unconscious/intuitive knowledge to creep into our awareness, and when it’s something we don’t want to hear, it takes even longer.

Paying attention to the subtle clues in your body and gut is a good start, but acting on this information prior to it being totally integrated into your conscious awareness is the tough part. Maybe we don’t need to act on it before feeling total conviction, but simply make a commitment to pay attention regardless of whether or not we like the information that’s rising to the surface.

According to A Course in Miracles, repeating the affirmation, “I am determined to see” will help us learn to listen and trust this incredible guidance system.

Heart and Head Connection

“Your internal condition, always and forevermore, is most important of all, for a peaceful and faithful heart creates a more peaceful and graceful life, and therefore a more peaceful and grace-filled world.”

This quote comes from my friend Ann Alber’s newsletter. I really loved it when I read it and wanted to share it with you. Check out Ann’s newsletter to read the whole thing:

She goes on to say, “When your heart is not at war with your head, you create a vibration of peace in your world.”

The idea of your heart and head being in sync is so powerful. We tend to think of them as separate, but experiencing heart/head alignment is the most peaceful feeling we can imagine, plus it raises the strength of the vibe we send into the world a hundred fold.

I just got done with my first fasting retreat. Everyone who participated commented on how clear their head was the day after the fast. This is heart/head alignment. A couple of them also shared feeling super patient with their children – something that happens when our heads are not rushing to the next thing, but rather resting in the present moment firmly anchored in the heart.

To quickly establish heart/head alignment, have a conversation with your heart. Connect with your breath and simply ask your heart questions. It will answer! After, you will feel peaceful and a sense of gratitude emanating from your heart. It’s as if it’s thanking you for listening.

Blog, Shmog

I can’t help feeling that this blog, which is so near and dear to my heart, is becoming a bit of a dinosaur in the age of Facebook and Twitter. Don’t get me wrong, I still love it and cherish it as a way to stay connected, as well as a place to write my inspirations, but the energy feels different.

Feeling energy is a great way to ride the wave of life instead of swimming upstream. We can feel energy in everything, and notice where it ebbs and flows. Some examples: I just started teaching the Spring semester at SCC and can already feel which students have energy between them. This is so fun to do! I feel it right away and watch their friendships (or more:) blossom as the semester unfolds.

I do this with fashion as well. As much as I love peace images on clothes, I can’t help but feel that this trend approaching saturation. The energy will move more toward other symbols that capture the essence of the moment.

Two emerging symbols: Dandelions and angel wings. I can feel their energy and know that they are taking hold in the collective consciousness.

That being said, I will stay true to my beloved blog and all of you who visit in between FB posts;)

Raining Leaves

The other day when I was walking Mucci, the most beautiful thing happened.. A tree released about 100 leaves just as we walked underneath it! Orange and yellow leaves fell on our heads as the tree swayed back and forth in the wind.

I felt so honored to witness this magical moment. Only in Arizona would a tree perform such a beautiful display of fall in the middle of winter!


The holidays have once again come and gone and I must say I’m ready for the new year to start. Not only because the energy of 2010 is bursting with positive vibes, but because the holidays took a lot out of me this year in terms of time and energy. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing more magical than the excitement of a child (anna:) on Christmas morning.

I’m hearing and feeling that 2010 is going to be very positive for those of us who are committed to walking in our own truths. In order to ride the wave, we need to be true to ourselves and take action where we are getting guidance to do so.

One thing I will be doing this year is offering Fasting Retreats – one day lemonade fasts at a Scottsdale resort, along with a workshop to facilitate renewal. The first one is on Friday 1/29, and the cost is 249.00, which includes a private room and the workshop.

I also plan to move more into professional speaking. I have come to really love speaking to groups about some of the principles that have transformed my own life.

Finally, keep your eyes out for a fresh, new website at some point this year. I’m excited! Thank you for continuing to visit my blog, which is now in it’s fifth year. Can you believe that?

Happy New Year and Lots of Love to You!!