Each of us has purity deep within. It is our essence. Think of a baby – they have no issues and no corruption of their purity. Their essence extends beyond them, blessing all who are in their presence.
The degree to which we are able to preserve our purity depends upon our upbringing, and then, our level of emotional and physical self-care.
I was blessed to have a healthy and loving family. As a young teenager I fell in love – He was the first person I allowed to contaminate my innocence – in more ways than one:) This relationship lasted until I was a young adult and the toxic patterns continued in other relationships.
The purification of my essence involved constructing huge walls around my self, my feelings, and most of all my wounds. After a significant amount of time I was able to slowly let these walls down.
The only reason I can remain open is because I have learned to take care of myself, trust myself and set appropriate emotional and physical boundaries. I let people in to the degree that they themselves are healthy and respectful. This allows me to love everyone and not worry about whether or not they are trustworthy. It is me who I trust.
Wounds need protection to heal. Innocence and purity is our birthright and sometimes we need to retreat and allow our wounds to heal before we can open up and bless the world as babies do.