If you’re over 35 or a lover of classic rock you might remember the song lyrics, “Hold on loosely, but don’t let go, if you cling to tightly you might lose control.”
These lyrics capture why a combination of holding on to your dreams and simultaneously giving them to God works best. When we take total control, we lock into a dream thereby getting attached – it may manifest into a close resemblance of your original intention, but not be your highest good.
For example, what if someone tells the universe that they want to lose weight 100 times a day and ultimately find themselves thin from an illness?
I’ve moved toward holding a vision of the qualities I want in my life – love, adventure, service, abundance, beauty, etc. And letting God or the universe step in to handle the details, rather than clinging to the details and losing the essence of what I really want.
Thanks riding the rollercoaster of life with me! I think I’ll step off and have a short rest…