I could not be more thrilled with my dinner tonight: Grilled yellow pepper, fingerling potatoes, and broccoli, drizzled with olive oil, and sprinkled with salt, pepper and feta cheese. Oh yeah, and a huge handful of organic baby romaine lettuce topped with lemon juice.
You’d think I was on a diet, but it turns out that no matter how much I eat, or don’t eat, I’m slightly roundish. What I am doing a better job at is eating for energy. I’ve noticed that fresh, whole foods give me the buoyant energy I crave, and that mac and cheese (even if it is purchased from Trader Joe’s) doesn’t.
What has become overwhelmingly obvious to me is that foods that contain stuff our bodies don’t need require more processing, and therefore don’t yield as much energy. Clean foods – the one’s packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and most of all, life energy – are what my body craves these days.
I’m by no means perfect in the pursuit of energy-filled foods, but am finding that I’m naturally drawn to them, and feel really good about that.
Just some thoughts from a well-fed, and supremely balanced energy coach…