Listen to Your Heart

Listen to Your Heart“When the mind is trying to control the heart, you can only be guided into situations that force you deeper into your heart. When the mind is honoring the heart, you can be guided easily towards the heart’s goals.”

I saw this quote in one of my favorite newsletters by Ann Albers. It is so true! Listening to the heart is not always easy. It guides us toward love, and this guidance often competes with the fear-based small mind.

Do you have any questions for your heart? Simply sit quietly and take a few deep breaths. Then put your hand over your heart and ask it a question. It will tell you! My head usually shakes yes or no as the answer and then I might hear some inner dialogue, but you may just get a felt sense of what it is saying, or a “knowing.” It will answer any questions you have.The feeling you get from the answers is peaceful and reassuring – not neurotic and fearful like the ego or small mind. When you’re done, make sure to thank your heart and tell it you will always listen.

Life is so much easier when we listen to our hearts. It absolutely takes courage to do so because it marches to its own beat and rhythm, rather than the mass consciousness of the material world. But when we do, life is graceful and easy as we move toward our heart’s desires.

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