Podcast Episode: Radical Receiving

Society has flipped into an outside-in way of being. We are currently going through the age of reconciliation in which everything that we’ve suppressed is coming to the surface to be integrated and received thereby returning us to our flow nature.

This episode explores the act of Radical Receiving so that we can come into true abundance and generosity.

Podcast Episode: The Energy of Stress

Not all energy is created equal. When we experience positive energy within ourselves or others, it’s unmistakable and uplifts rather than drains us. But as humans we also have the capacity to manufacture energy in the form of stress hormones. We can do this in an instant through our thinking alone. Have we become addicted to stress as an energy source? I think this is a question that we should all be asking ourselves. 

This podcast episode explores the different energies available to us including Mother Earth energy, which may just be the most nourishing energy of all.

Podcast Episode: Transforming Energy Blocks

We have entered the age of reconciliation. Everything that is not of love is currently being transformed, transmuted, and released. Our presence and role in this process is huge as we are the ones doing the heavy lifting. 

This period of intensity will eventually give way to a more peaceful and loving existence but our job for now is to stay strong and persevere. We are the leading edge of this change and will ultimately birth the world we’ve all been dreaming of.

Podcast Episode: Energy Sensitivity

Many of us are becoming more energy sensitive. This is an indication that you have reached a certain level on your journey toward a High Vibrational Life. While others might find your sensitivity “annoying,” rest assured that this increased ability to sense energy is the result of you becoming more finely tuned and able to direct your own flow. 

Podcast Episode: The Greater Flow

Deep in our hearts is the knowing that we are a part of something greater than ourselves–that we are meant to take our rightful place in the greater flow of life and add our essence to the web of energy that flows through all that is.

Although we sometimes feel lonely, we are never alone. Our task in this life is to remember our connectedness: to be AT ONE with all that is. In doing so, we fulfill our purpose and align with our true nature.

Podcast Episode: Energy Metabolism

Energy, like food, needs to be metabolized to become refined enough to share with the world. Not only that… Without proper metabolism, we lose vital nourishment in the form of information and inspiration. 

This episode explores the organic process of energy metabolism and the most common ways energy is lost prior to completing its metabolic cycle.

Podcast Episode: Living in Alignment

We know what it feels like to be out of alignment but what does it actually mean to be in alignment? Living in alignment involves including all of yourself in each moment– physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, AND your present environment. Each level of self has a unique frequency and communicates with you about what its picking up. When in alignment, these frequencies come together into one integrated flow stream and inform your journey step by step. 

When we are pulled out of alignment, we are pulled out of real-time and into a false reality. This episode explores the other dimensions of time that we often inhabit: mental time, technology time, and trauma time. 

Step into the river of your own life and become the force of nature you came here to be.

Podcast Episode: The Energy of Emotions

Feelings are closely tied to intuition – they guide and direct our choices. Emotions, on the other hand, reveal the buried patterns within our energy system. Transforming these patterns is the key to reclaiming your energy and embodying your multi-dimensional, high vibrational nature.