Two weeks from today I’m going to Austin to speak at World Wellness Weekend about embodied spirituality. It is such a perfect subject for the event. WWW brings together earthy music and inspiring spirituality. The integration of spirit and matter, masculine and feminine, heaven and earth is what embodied spirituality is all about.
Byproducts of Energy
Joy. Inspiration. Fulfillment. Clarity. Freedom. Calm. Patience. Love. Enthusiasm. Peace.
There are as many energy byproducts as there are tulips in this picture, each one being a different facet of the fuel that nourishes us.
You may notice that when you’re depleted, the uplifting feelings you crave are no where to be found. They are replaced by irritability, impatience and discouragement.
Last week I was in Baltimore doing a training. I flew out Thursday, did the training Friday morning and flew home Friday afternoon – between the airport and the flights, I spent 14 out of 36 hours in transit… The week before I was in New York walking my behind off to see as much of the city as possible in my short time there. Needless to say, two East coast trips in a row pretty much drained the life out of me.
When I returned unable to tap into the stream of inspiration that normally flows through me, I knew immediately that it was low energy. So rather than spend any time wondering what was wrong in my life for me to be “off,” I went about the business of doing nothing. All week – other than do minimal work and take care of my daughter – I took naps, went to bed early and read more than usual. .
I’m back to my regular self now, inspired and ready to go. Had I not remembered that a low mood is most often low energy, I may not have done what I needed to do to recover so quickly.
We can’t pursue the gifts of energy directly, but we can pursue energy directly. So the next time you’ve lost your optimism and lust for life, check-in with yourself – perhaps you just need to lay low for a day or two and replenesh your life force.
That was so easy!
After I gave birth to my daughter – following hours of torture and throwing up from the pain – one of the first things I said was, “That was so easy!” It was completely genuine, as I had already forgotten how hard it was.
New York
I just returned from New York where I did a book signing at East West Living – a rare, boutique type spiritual bookstore on 5th Ave and 14th Street. The signing was wonderful, and like the trip itself, reflected New York’s vibe.
Peace Makers
For some time I’ve been wondering why some of the greatest peace makers of our time have lost lost their lives in pursuit of peace:
John F. Kennedy
Bobby Kennedy
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
John Lennon
Recently I read in A Course in Miracles that the collective ego becomes “murderous” in the face of guiltlessness, as being free of guilt threatens the ego’s very existence.
What does it mean to be guiltless? It means to be rooted so firmly in love that it’s impossible to perceive yourself or anyone else as guilty. Misguided – sure. Mistaken – of course. But never fundamentally guilty.
It’s a risk to rise above the collective mind – a risk that is natural for those who know better. I’m not sure why I’m writing about this subject, as it is heavy and can be frightening. But I wanted to share the answer I received from the question of “Why?”
The answer – that the ego is threatened by love – is a good one, and perhaps understanding why unconscious people react so strongly to pure love will provide inspiration and courage for us on our respective journeys toward inner and outer peace.
Heaven on Earth
Last night, I – along with millions of other people around the world – watched Oprah and Eckhart Tolle’s sixth week of discussion on his book, A New Earth. At the airport last week, I observed many people, who may not normally be drawn to such a deep book, reading A New Earth. It has now been a bestseller longer than any other book.
I’ve never seen such mainstream focus on the truth. We’ve always had great teachers, and great books pointing us in the right direction, but never has it exploded into mainstream culture as it is now.
Emotional boundaries
We all know the importance of having physical boundaries, but what about emotional? Emotional boundaries involve staying connected to your essence or core, even when others are unkind. Keeping emotionally safe requires the ability to support and love ourselves unconditionally.
The Energy Cure Booksignings
This weekend, April 4th at 7:30pm, I’m at the Bodhi Tree Bookstore in West Hollywood –
On Thursday April 24th at 7:00pm, I’ll be at East/West Books in NYC.
If you happen to be in the area or know someone who is, I’d love to see you!
Energy Therapies
While these therapies are balancing and often help to release cellular memory that can keep one stuck, they are no replacement for taking responsibility for your part of the pattern which created the imbalance in the first place.
It takes a willingness to SEE the truth, followed by consistent attention and energy toward changing how we view things, react to things, and often perpetuate our own pain. Every, and I do mean every, downer situation that occurs in our lives is an opportunity to transcend a limiting pattern. All you have to do is look at yourself with open eyes and be ready see what is often difficult to look at.
Replacing the parts of ourselves that play victim with warrior spirit takes time and effort, but the small battles are nothing compared to the victory of liberation that follows.
Eyes of Love
The experience was so powerful that it renewed my long-standing desire to demonstrate the truth and gently wake others up from this dream we call life.