For a while now a few of my wise friends have been encouraging me to read the book Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I’ve finally gotten around to reading it after waiting for my mom and sister to finish the “family copy.”
Woman’s World
Thank You
These are the Days
Tuesday I turned 43. I’ve heard that every seven years we enter a new cycle and completely transform. I’m in the beginning of my 7th, 7 year cycle in 2007. Pretty powerful!
Muscle Testing
Ask the Question
The Art of Distraction
I’ve spent my entire career teaching about the fallacy of over-consumption. It makes you feel good initially, but then plunges you into mental, emotional or physical pain. When eating, drinking, shopping, working, etc. distract us from feeling emotion or taking right action we are avoiding – right?
Loving Difficult People
Answer: There are three steps to this process, all leading to unconditional love.
1. Connect to your internal source of unconditional love, energy, and intuition daily. Wether it’s through meditation, a mindful walk or journaling, the life within you will help you feel loved and supported.
2. Vow to disengage from YOUR portion of the dynamic. Do you listen too long? Do you do too much for them? Do you believe their devaluing words? Do you fight back, feeding a no-win power struggle? Identify your part and stop.
3. Trust yourself. If you remain healthy around a sick person for long enough, either they will change or you will be urged to get some distance from them. I don’t care if it’s your mother – life’s too short for decade after decade of negativity.
Just because we love someone doesn’t mean we have to let them hurt us. In fact, the only way to really love them is to take care of ourselves, rather than leaving it up to them.
God Bless.