
“I love you in a place where there’s no space or time
I love you for my life, cause you’re a friend of mine”
– Ray Charles (Originally by Leon Russell)

There is nothing more difficult than releasing unhealthy attachments. However, we are not asked to release our love for one another, just our portion of the unhealthy patterns that bind us together in a sticky way.

Sometimes the relationship falls apart when it’s no longer sticky. Other times, it changes form. Occassionally, the change leads to a deepening of the relationship in its current form.

Regardless of the outcome, our job is the same – letting go of the ways we manipulate others for energy.

Untangle Yourself from Energy Drains

Picture streams of energy flowing away from you and attaching to different things: your mother, chocolate chip cookies, your job, all the time commitments on your calendar…

A perfectly healthy energy system has free flowing energy and minimal attachments. The attachments that are present are clean, strong and flexible. We join with objects of affection, but don’t get tangled up, confused and drained.

There is only one way to untangle from energy drains, and that is to discontinue your end of any unhealthy interactions with people, work, substances, things, even your thoughts.

Over time the strings release and integrate back into the ground of your being, bringing your energy and light with them. This is the quickest way to enlightenment, freedom and inner peace.

Questions? I’ll do follow-up blog entries with any questions posted in the comments.

Be Yourself

“Be Yourself” is a chapter heading in my upcoming book. It is also the title of a picture I drew of a lizard that hangs on my refrigerator. It is more than a philosophy or way of life – it is the best way to manage your personal energy.

I was reminded of this today when I found myself completely drained of energy without having the slightest idea why. I finally figured out that I was trying to be someone I’m not. I wasn’t trying to look or act different than myself, I was simply adopting parenting strategies that aren’t me.

It’s subtle stuff. Perhaps it’s trying to do something your boss’ way, or your mother’s, or your husband’s or wife’s way… Being yourself requires constant scrutiny of your actions to see if they come from your values or someone else’s. The price we pay for marching to the beat of another’s drum is energy depletion.

On the other hand, the benefit of marching to the beat of your own drum is calm energy and inner peace. Have you looked at what (or who) is motivating your actions lately?

Zero Limits

Once in a while a book comes along that lifts up humanity. A couple that come to mind are A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson, and The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.

I’d like to recommend what I consider to be the next book of this magnitude. It is called Zero Limits by Joe Vitale and Ihaleakala Hew Len. I referred to it briefly in a blog entry a few weeks ago. You may remember Joe Vitale from The Secret. He has been one of the teachers in the manifesting camp.

The teachings in this book take us beyond manifesting and into the next level of spiritual evolution. I always felt uneasy about the message contained in The Secret. Not that it’s wrong, but it feels like manipulating life to me. Zero Limits shares this concern and offers a way to move beyond this level and align with the flow of life – sound familiar? Those of you who have read Opening to Life know that my belief is to align with this powerful, creative force and see where it takes you, rather than trying to get life to follow your lead.

I’ll give you a taste of what’s in the book: The words “I love you” are key. I hope you enjoy it.

I love you,

Back to School

Summer is coming to an end. I am preparing to teach two communication classes at Scottsdale Community College, the temperature is dropping – ever so slowly, but dropping none the less – and most importantly my daughter is headed back to school!

As much as I love having her around, the haphazard schedule has me off my center. Last night I turned down an invitation to happy hour and one to dinner. Instead I nestled in with a glass of wine and a nice salad.

I took the whole evening to commune with my higher self and get back on track. Life is pushing me out of my comfort zone right now, and I know it’s doing the same for some of you… If there is one thing that helps with metamorphic change, it is being connected to the ONE that never changes.

It usually happens the last 20 minutes of an hour-long run, or half way into an evening alone, but eventually calm energy takes over, conviction replaces doubt, and love envelopes the fear.

As we enter the transformative season of fall, my hope is that we can all ride the waves of change gracefully knowing that the eternal is right there with us.


I wouldn’t consider myself obedient. When I was in high school I lived somewhat dangerously, so much so that my parents almost moved our entire family out of state in the hopes that a new environment would do me some good. I make better choices now but my spirit hasn’t changed much.

Obedience to my higher Self/Life/God is my commitment these days, and oddly enough it often conflicts with what other people feel I “should” do – so even though I’m obedient now I still appear rebellious! Go figure…

Inner peace results when we are obedient to life, yet we’re often asked to do things that make us feel uncomfortable – an oxymoron of sorts. Ultimately however, resisting life’s directives leads to pain not peace.

The question for many is how to hear direction from life. Here are some tips:

  • Create a clean environment – Eat clean, clear your mind through meditation, and heat up your body through exercise so it can burn off any residue blocking your inner voice.
  • Notice where the message comes from – If it comes from fear it is not your higher self.
  • Watch for conviction and inner peace – Directives from your higher self fill you with a sense of conviction and peace
  • Trust yourSELF – If you get a message follow it!

The other day I picked up a book called Zero Limits by Joe Vitale. In it he writes that there are three stages of life: You as the victim, you as the creator of your life, and finally, you as a servant to the divine.

New Cover!

The Energy Cure: How to Recharge Your Life 30 Seconds at a Time has a new cover! The book describes ways to enhance and manage your personal energy, and will be in bookstores this January.

Fasting and Energy

For the past 15 years I have been led by my intuition to fast once a week. This doesn’t mean that I’ve done it… Every now and then I would fast for a day or two, but nothing consistent. Last December I finally got that it’s time, and since then I have integrating this cleansing routine into my lifestyle.

The Master Cleanser is what works for me. Throughout the day you drink water with a little grade B maple syrup, lemon juice and a pinch of cayenne pepper. The maple syrup keeps your blood sugar level so you can function, and also contains minerals, the lemon juice is just plain yummy, and the cayenne pepper burns off mucus (gross word I know.)

Fasting is not for everyone. My sister, for example, has a metabolism faster than the concord and wouldn’t benefit from weekly fasting. My body needs it. My body has more water and earth than fire and is therefore balanced by having a break from digesting food so that it can burn off congestion.

The only way to know if you would benefit from fasting is to check with your intuition. Ask the question and be open for the answer! Deepak Chopra’s book Perfect Health is also a good resource – it has a body type questionnaire.

This morning when I took my daughter to camp she made a comment about a dog walking by. Mid-sentence she said, “Oh, sweet thing” and then kept talking without skipping a beat. This tickled my funny bone and I laughed the entire way to camp.

Joy is my favorite by-product of fasting:)

You’re in Luck!

As I prepare to write this blog entry, I notice that the clock on my computer reads 7:20. The date just happens to be 7/20/2007. Those of us intuitives know it has to mean something.

For the past couple of years I find myself looking everywhere for signs. Since I’ve learned that numbers represent certain things, it is hard not to look at every license plate in view for secret messages from the universe… 2’s mean a dream is coming to fruition. 222 might mean – it’s baking, don’t open the oven and blow it. 777 universally symbolizes luck – good luck. 0 means that something has come full circle – and signifies the presence of all that is.

I’m going to interpret this evenings date/time correlation as a sign that today is a day of luck in which my dreams (and yours) are coming true, in the most complete and divinely inspired way.

For more information on the spiritual meaning of numbers, check out Doreen Virtue’s book, Healing with the Angels.

While on the treadmill yesterday it occurred to my how many times I’ve failed. I’ve been on my spiritual path for 16 years now, and since that time have been working to shed layers that cover my true essence.

Every time my intuition guides me to shed another layer, I try and try and fail and fail. Sometimes this goes on for years! Sometimes the required change is physical, other times it’s emotional or spiritual. Here are some examples of past layers I’ve released:

  • Stop emotional eating (my first assignment)
  • Skip days of drinking coffee
  • Let people go who weren’t kind to me

I’m still shedding layers and still failing hundreds of times before success takes hold. I felt it was good to remind myself of this, because success is sort of like having a baby – once it’s born you forget about all the pain.

To talk to me now, you’d think it has all been “so easy” – the exact words I used after delivering my daughter, never mind that I was throwing up from the pain… In reality, each layer you shed is like giving birth to a new you.