Fire the Grid

I just received notice of a meditation that is occurring on 7/17/07 at 11:11am Greenwich Mean time or 4:11 PDT. The intention of this meditation is to feed the planet’s energy system with enough nourishment so that it can regenerate. The idea is to get as many people meditating at the same time with the same intention – heal the planet and save ourselves in the process.

For more information check out I hope you will join me – I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

Independence Day

Happy 4th of July! I have to tell a story that occurred earlier this week in Boulder Co. I took my daughter to see Michael Franti and Spearhead at an all ages concert at Red Rocks Amphitheater over the weekend – it was super fun and a great experience.

The next day we went to check out Boulder. The idea of living in a place that is aligned with my environmental and political values sounds like heaven… We went to this brick road where they have street performers, shops, and shaved ice:)

At one point I was outside by myself while everyone was in a shop. I started reading a newspaper article in one of the stands. Within moments I felt all the blood drain from my head and I was almost in tears – the article talked about how Bush is blaming the utter defeat in Iraq on a poor military.

As soon as my friends came out I started telling them what I’d read. The local guy looked mortified and said, “Show me.” I took him over and he immediately started laughing.. Turns out the article was written in a paper called The Onion, which is a spoof newspaper that only serves Chicago, Boulder and one other city. I was unfamiliar with the paper and thought it was serious… I was so relieved, and am happy to report that I have not moved out of the country, but am here to celebrate Independence Day!!

Have fun and be safe.

Energetic Self-Acceptance

I’ve been thinking a lot about self-love and what that means. I have come to the conclusion that the biggest way we reject ourselves is energetically. Scan your body right now. Are you allowing the energy to flow or are you resisting at your stomach, heart or throat?

When we push back on our essence, we push back on God or Life. How can we know that God loves us if we reject Him/Her?

Body image has been in the forefront of my mind because that has been the biggest area of self-rejection for me. The other day I was at the pool with my daughter and nephews when two young, beautiful teenage girls came down. Fit, thin, and healthy – I thought to myself, “I hope they love themselves.” And I had to keep myself from saying out loud – “I hope you two know how darling you are…”

Within minutes one of them started talking about her waste, and the fact that sometimes she’s a size two and other times a four… My heart broke – even 16 year old beauties reject themselves.

As each of us fall in love with ourselves – unconditionally – we pave the way for others to do the same. I’m having more moments of self love lately… But it takes constant awareness. Because I know how connected we are – this is a social issue for me, as well as a personal one. I want to be a role model for self love – now that’s a concept…

I’ve always believed and experienced that we teach what we need to learn. This workshop that is happening tomorrow is no different. It is about accepting oneself at an energetic/cellular level – embodying your essence really.

As I’ve been putting the workshop together, I have been reminded of the ways I reject myself. It’s so subtle and automatic – I think most of us do it all day long and aren’t even aware. My awareness is heightened and I am on a mission to stop this perverse pattern in myself, and to help others do the same.

Think of it this way – anytime you long for something you don’t have, you are denying the gifts that you do have. It doesn’t mean we can’t have goals and want things – it just means that we need to find the space to desire more, while appreciating what is.

Do you love your thighs just as they are? What about your finances? Your relationships? Love/life is the transformative elixer… this is the great paradox. The only way to transform anything is to love it.

So True

Thanks to my brother-in-law for sharing the following quote… Interesting how similar the times are now to when this quote was written.

“A revolution is coming. A revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough – but a revolution which is coming whether we will it or not. We can affect its character, we cannot alter its inevitability.

– John F. Kennedy

Food for the Soul

Around Christmas time I read a review of the classic novel Persuasion by Jane Austen. Even though I have read nothing but non-fiction books for two decades, something in the review spoke to me and I told my daughter that it would be a great gift – knowing the chances of me buying it for myself were slim.

Being the type to read four or five books at once, it took me nearly six months, but two nights ago I finished it, and last night I read the ending again.

This was Jane Austen’s last book – published after she died – and the most autobiographical of her works. The one thing that’s different from her real life is the ending. I won’t give it away in case you want to read this beautiful story.

But what I love is that Jane Austen was able to rewrite her life in a way that made sense to her – in a way that fed her soul and gave her peace I would imagine.
I think everyone needs a way to do this – everyone needs their art. Whether it’s writing books, music, dancing, or painting, art seems to be how the soul makes sense of life.

What’s Your Flavor?

I’m excited about the response to the upcoming “What’s Your Flavor?” workshop. It seems that a movement toward authenticity is emerging, and pressures to form oneself into an acceptable shape (literally) are being released.

The image coming to me is that of a puzzle. When we try to be someone we’re not, we no longer own our piece of the puzzle that makes up the whole of humanity. Rather, we bury our beautiful and unique piece and replace it with a much smaller generic piece.

Instead of a colorful puzzle covering our globe, we have tiny, fragile pieces floating on a dark background where the real self should be.

As each of us relax into who we really are, the puzzle will come together and we will finally experience at-one-ment.


Life brings regrets and I have made my fair share of choices that should probably fall into the regret category, but don’t.

Truth is, I’m fine with the fact that my first boyfriend could have played a starring role in Goodfellas, or that it took me until the age of 27 to remotely understand the meaning of life.

There is only one thing that could potentially cause me to feel regret – and I try to remember it often. My only potential regret is not being present to those I love.

Last week I accompanied my daughter to a show she was in at her school. She gave me a list of things not to do: “Mom, don’t stare at me and smile the whole time.” “Mom, when you say ‘hi’ to my friends, just sort of stand back and wave..” The list went on. As soon as we arrived, she told me, “Go sit down mom, I’m going to go with my friends.”

This is 180 degrees from the “baby girl” I’m used to – an adjustment to be sure. It just so happened that I had a weekend getaway planned with friends that started the very next morning. So I kissed my newly independent girl goodbye and had three days to reflect.

I was moved to tears as I thought of her trying to dance for me as I commanded that she go brush her teeth… and other examples of this present-focused child being rushed to do the next thing.

Thankfully I remembered that my only potential regret is not seeing her essence and appreciating her every day. Same with my mom, my dad, and the rest of the people I love.

Turns out I had a great weekend, but was happiest to get home, give my daughter a bath and enjoy her playful spirit.


If you are committed to growth, you know about cocooning. True growth involves transformation, which sometimes requires us to go within in order to regenerate.

Several weeks ago I went into cocooning mode. I had very little interest in going out or even answering my phone. From the outside it looked like depression, but I knew better. Rather than fighting the urge to spend countless hours on my couch watching movies, I went with it. (By the way if you haven’t seen Dreamgirls, it’s a must see!)

Last Saturday morning I emerged from the cocoon renewed, I joked with my sisters that I got my mojo back:) After days of not doing any work beyond necessities, I put together a new workshop and wrote an article all in one morning.

Whether you call it ebb and flow or yin and yang, honoring your natural rhythms is key to ongoing growth. The idea of growth happening in a straight line is not accurate, it’s more of an upward spiral – or as I like to visualize it – an inward spiral with a star at the center.

True Meaning of Free Spirit

I’ve always been in awe of free spirits – they are so comfortable with themselves and don’t hold back!

Lately I’ve been feeling more free, and I’m starting to realize that there is a difference between the fun and spontaneous people that I used to label free spirits and true inner freedom.

I believe that the true meaning of “free spirit” is when life flows freely and abundantly through one’s body. Extroverts are born that way – free spirits are cultivated.

Each time we transform a self-defeating pattern (thoughts or behaviors that distort or drain life energy and block its natural flow) we become more free inside.

With this definition we can all be free spirits!