More on manifesting…

Since my last entry I’ve given the concept of manifesting a lot of thought. Truth be known, I feel like it’s closer to spiritual law than glorified magic. That said, if we’re not careful, taking charge of creating our own reality can lead us down a slippery slope – as I so aptly demonstrated in Flagstaff last week…

If you’re over 35 or a lover of classic rock you might remember the song lyrics, “Hold on loosely, but don’t let go, if you cling to tightly you might lose control.”

These lyrics capture why a combination of holding on to your dreams and simultaneously giving them to God works best. When we take total control, we lock into a dream thereby getting attached – it may manifest into a close resemblance of your original intention, but not be your highest good.

For example, what if someone tells the universe that they want to lose weight 100 times a day and ultimately find themselves thin from an illness?

I’ve moved toward holding a vision of the qualities I want in my life – love, adventure, service, abundance, beauty, etc. And letting God or the universe step in to handle the details, rather than clinging to the details and losing the essence of what I really want.

Thanks riding the rollercoaster of life with me! I think I’ll step off and have a short rest…

From Pain to Peace

As an energy coach I help people move from pain to peace. Sometimes pain comes from a difficult relationship, a food obsession or a toxic workplace. Regardless of where the pain comes from, inner peace heals it.

Here’s the formula – when life flows, we experience peace, when it is blocked we experience pain.

We get tripped up when we identify more with our thoughts or a particular situation than with our essence. Our fundamental purpose is to be a vessel for life. When we’re fulfilling our function, we experience inner peace and a sense of well-being.

Over time, this feeling of well-being or the flow of life becomes the foundation for our identity, and we make decisions that promote the flow – regardless if it shakes things up a bit.

Life will lead if you let it. Put life in charge. The mind needs to be disciplined so that it doesn’t act like a spoiled child. The body is a vessel – not a god. Our emotions are just that – energy in motion, they flow on the current of life and will not kill us – they just need to dissipate.

Once we put life in charge, the rest of our being and our world falls into divine order and inner peace ensues.

“Be what you are. Give what is yours to give. Have style. Dare.”

– Stanley Kuntitz

You are Loved

Today is Valentine’s Day. Usually I’m busy getting my daughter off to school, making sure she is wearing pink or red, and that she has her bag of Valentine’s in tow for her friends and teacher. She is with her dad this morning and we did all the prep over the weekend, so I am left with me.

I’m not complaining, I’m great company. And even though I don’t have a “special someone” in my life at the moment, I’ve already received three Valentine’s! (So what if one was from my email hosting company..)

It actually feels like a sacred day – a reminder of sorts, that love is in the air and waiting to bless us at every turn. Like Easter, when you tell yourself that everyday is about forgiveness and rebirth. Well today is reminding me that every day is about love.

So if you read this today or any time in the future, consider it a Valentine, for you are loved.

On Becoming Transparent…

Does essentialization – moving closer to one’s essence – happen from the inside out or the outside in?

Shedding layers that cover our radiance is essential for letting our inner light shine. But what I’ve discovered is that it is impossible to shed outer layers that often provide security without feeding your essence daily.

So the process is simultaneous! We feed our inner spirit daily, all day if possible, by remaining aware of our eternal, timeless Self. Meditation, conscious breathing, and mindful awareness feed our spiritual core and help it to grow.

As it grows, and we begin to feel more secure obout our spiritual essence being the foundation of our identity, we can let go of the outer stuff that we used to cling to for security: bad habits, relationships that no longer serve our growth, jobs we’ve outgrown, labels that no longer fit, extra weight or physical congestion, emotional baggage…

Soon we become transparent… Well, maybe not soon, but sooner rather than later.

For all my sisters out there…

My music muse, Amy, turned me on to an artist named India Arie who sings about being sent here to share the difficult lesson she learned about loving herself unconditionally. I would highly recommend her music if your into self-love and personal empowerment 🙂

Here are some lyrics from her song “Video:”

“Sometimes I shave my legs and sometimes I don’t

Sometimes I comb my hair and sometimes I won’t

Depend on how the wind blows I might even paint my toes

It really just depends on whatever feels good in my soul

I’m not the average girl from your video and I ain’t built like a supermodel

But, I Learned to love myself unconditionally Because I am a queen…”

Taking back your light…

Have you ever wanted something so bad that you can’t stand it? This is an interesting predicament. We long for something or someone that we think will bring us a feeling of fulfillment and joy, yet what are we really longing for?

When we feed another object or person with our attention and energy, a piece of our essence extends to them. As we continue to feed the desire, we give away more of our own light. This causes us to become dim and lose our power of attraction.

Perhaps we can take our light back, by refusing to long for what we don’t have… By being fully in the present moment and nourishing ourselves fully with the energy it provides.

Walking the fine line between human attachment and spiritual enlightenment is an art that few have mastered. I’m certainly not there yet. But what if we were able to be so fully in our bodies and in the present moment that our powerful essence attracted whatever we needed?

This is my goal of the moment. Being in love with right now… and having faith that my presence will light my path and attract my highest life.

Motto from Iraq

My sister received a business email from a citizen of Iraq. He had the following quote at the bottom of his email:

“Any Day Above Ground Is A Good Day”

Later in the week I received an email from a dear friend of mine who is an American soldier/spiritual warrior stationed in Iraq. He shared that he relies on the motto, “This too shall pass.”

Peace Studies

Last weekend The North Dakota Peace Studies program brought me to Bismark to speak about the connection between inner peace and world peace.

The network of people actively seeking peace is growing. I picture it as bands of light connected to one another across the globe. It was such a privilege to be amongst a group of people who put their hearts and souls into cultivating peace in their community and beyond.

What’s your motto?

The other day I wrote that my motto for the next phase of my life is “less is more.” The very next day a friend gave me a copy of a new magazine called Motto, It’s a great magazine tying together purpose, passion, and profit.

It’s a compelling idea to have a motto. I love “less is more.” As I get older I find myself wearing less makeup, buying less clothes and wearing the same favorites over and over. I’m keeping my car past the three year mark. The main message of my work right now is to shed layers that cover our essence… less truly is more.

What’s your motto?