A View of You

If you could sit where I sit
You’d see your brothers and sisters anew

Appearing like catepillars inching along
The butterfly waits to sing its song.

The clouds drop pearls of cleansing rain
The mother cocoons her child in pain
Some birds fly high into the sky
Some birds land and prepare to die

In all the change of seasons you’d see
Divine delight and rays of sunshine
Life in death, joy in pain
Clear skies through storms

That’s nature’s game.

If you could sit where I sit
You’d see your beauty
You’d see your grace
You’d see your courage
Despite a scared face

Feel yourself on the edge of a cliff
The world is waiting


Grow and die and grow some more
Shed your skin – prepare to soar.

– KK

Preserving your Purity

Each of us has purity deep within. It is our essence. Think of a baby – they have no issues and no corruption of their purity. Their essence extends beyond them, blessing all who are in their presence.

The degree to which we are able to preserve our purity depends upon our upbringing, and then, our level of emotional and physical self-care.

I was blessed to have a healthy and loving family. As a young teenager I fell in love – He was the first person I allowed to contaminate my innocence – in more ways than one:) This relationship lasted until I was a young adult and the toxic patterns continued in other relationships.

The purification of my essence involved constructing huge walls around my self, my feelings, and most of all my wounds. After a significant amount of time I was able to slowly let these walls down.

The only reason I can remain open is because I have learned to take care of myself, trust myself and set appropriate emotional and physical boundaries. I let people in to the degree that they themselves are healthy and respectful. This allows me to love everyone and not worry about whether or not they are trustworthy. It is me who I trust.

Wounds need protection to heal. Innocence and purity is our birthright and sometimes we need to retreat and allow our wounds to heal before we can open up and bless the world as babies do.

Be Who You Are…

The saying on my calendar for this month is, “It’s never too late to be who you are.” When I look at it each morning I’m reminded of one of my favorite lines from a Michael Franti song.

“Be who you are, nothing more nothing less..”

I like this line because it is common for us as humans to compare ourselves to others, leading to feelings of inferiority or superiority.

It takes every one of us to complete the puzzle of humanity. It doesn’t matter the shape or design on your piece, we are all the same size and have the same value.

Are you taking your rightful place in the puzzle of humanity?

Would You?

What do you think would happen if you forgave everyone for everything?

Sometimes it’s confusing to be human. We feel that if we say “No” to someone that we are being unkind or unforgiving. What I’ve discovered is that impeccable self care is the only way to feel secure enough to truly forgive and accept everyone for who they are.

Seeing the essential equality and beauty in everyone while discerning what human behavior we will and will not tolerate leads to inner freedom.

Identifying Patterns

Spiritual, emotional, mental and physical health is a natural byproduct of undoing energy patterns that block or distort life from naturally flowing through us.

Take for example, addictive consumption. When we eat, drink, shop or even work compulsively, we reinforce a pattern that does not serve the natural, inside-out flow of life.

These patterns are erased each time we override the unconscious behavior with deliberate behavior.

I’m noticing that when I need to plug in to my own source of spiritual energy, I begin to crave adventure. (When I’m plugged in, even the littlest moments feel adventurous). This feedback system is brilliant – rather than creating some kind of external adventure or drama to feed me, I get still and feed myself from within.

Undoing patterns takes a little time, but mostly it takes awareness and a connection to one’s breath. Each time we override these unconscious impulses we become more conscious and therefore more alive!

Fortune Cookie

I received a fortune cookie today that said “keep seeing the beauty in simple things…” The “beauty” of that message is that recently I have been working on suspending judgment as I look at the world around me.

My experience has been that the absence of assumptions or attributions creates a blank canvas in my mind for truth and beauty to emerge from whatever I’m observing. Tonight it was a man walking his two dogs, a beautiful sunset, and the twinkle in a dear friend’s eyes. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!

Honoring Life

There are so many layers to penetrate in order to get to the truth: socialization, upbringing, personality, biology, and the most subtle of all, life.

We receive different messages from each of these layers. Knowing which to trust is difficult.

Being a spiritual warrior, I follow life. Even when it flies in the face of conventional wisdom, or my upbringing.

In my marriage, life asked me to leave. In my practice, it directed me away from counseling, and the predictable business that came from insurance, and toward energy coaching.

The voice of life always leads us and those around us to our highest potential. I’ve met people who ask themselves, “What would Jesus do?” I believe he would go within and do what life says – and in his case he was killed for doing just that.


My day started out hectic. My daughter, usually easy going and sweet as can be, did not want to be left at her summer camp. After a half hour of struggle I ended up taking her to my office where she sat in the lobby while I worked with a client. I took her to my sister’s house during a break.

Needless to say, I was strung out and drained before my day even got started. If it weren’t for my favorite breathing exercises I would have been useless all day.

So here is a loving reminder to breathe!

Inhale – nose 4 seconds
Hold – 7 seconds
Exhale – mouth 8 seconds

Keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth on the ridge behind your teeth. Ahhh, that’s better…

“To Give and to Receive are One in Truth”

The blessings we receive are natural extensions of the love that we give.

Receiving is as much a part of a healthy energy system as giving. I remind myself of this truth as I count my abundant blessings this morning.

The old paradigm of “spiritual” includes poverty and renunciation. This is wrong – spirit is abundant, and what a joy to pass it on…

Correction – TV

My appearance on Arizona Midday has changed to Tuesday 8/1 between 11 and 12.

In the meantime, Wednesday’s appearance on Sonoran Living is still a go!