Tune In!

I will be spreading the word about Personal Energy Management next week on a couple of local television shows! I’m excited to have the opportunity to share the secret that energy never lies… And other tips for staying energized and fulfilled.

Sonoran Living on Wed. 7/26 9:00-10:00

Arizona Midday on Thursday 7/27 11:00-12:00

Tune in if you can!


What are you doing to stay energized? Here are some tips:

Breathe – Fill your body with much needed oxygen.
Laugh – Be passionate and enjoy life.
Move – Move vigorously to shake off toxic energy.
Love – Completely adore your children, family and friends.
Forgive – Let go of grievances…Life’s too short.

Have an energized day!

Love is in the Air

I am so happy to be alive and to have a connection with all of life. The truth is I am in love. Not with any one person, although that would be cool as heck, but with life. Pretty much every minute of every day I feel elated just to be here.

Thank you all for being a part of my world, a part of my joy.


Kudos to Al Gore

I recommend everyone see The Inconvenient Truth. It is an inspiring and thought provoking movie educating us about global warming. It made me proud of Al Gore for standing up and speaking the truth.

It also refreshed/renewed my faith in the process of life. Here is a man who lost (sort of) the presidency and went on to make a contribution to the world that seems even more poignant.

Check out www.climatecrisis.net to find out how to do your part in reversing global warming.

One person at a time…

I wonder, does Michael Franti know that he awakened me to another layer of my destiny? It wasn’t until I saw the activist/musician in concert earlier this year that I realized that I too am an activist – a spiritual activist.

The word activist seemed harsh at first as I spoke to my family about the experience. “It’s like I am drawn to activism, but wouldn’t want to be ‘against’ anything,” I said.

I’ve since learned that my aunt Shirley was arrested while protesting during the civil rights movement. It is in my blood.

As I listen to Franti on my stereo I realize that there is no way for me to determine how many people I reach or don’t reach. He has no idea that I am changed because of his conviction filled lyrics.

My wise friends say that love spreads over the world like a network, one person at a time. Amen for that – there’s not a one of us that could do it alone…


Today I wonder about humility. When I think about being humble, I think about gratitude. Choosing to be thankful for every little thing and releasing the rest.

At the moment I feel frustrated. I have a message to get out to the world and it feels like not enough channels. I have books written, talks prepared and a soul committed to the path of spreading the word about inner and outer peace.

For today, I stay humble – in gratitude for my spirituality, health, beautiful family and a day booked with clients – all blessings.

As for the rest, I surrender and bring myself back to the present moment while reminding myself, “Thy will be done.”

Bright with Life Workshop

The call for spiritual warriors worked. Yesterday, 24 courageous souls attended my Bright with Life workshop and committed to following the voice of life within. The tears flowed and hope emerged as we all came together for the purpose of world peace.


A Call for Spiritual Warriors

Great to hear from you who commented on the last blog. I feel there are many more out there who did not comment, but who are ready to step up to the calling.

The divided psyche in each of us is a result of socialization. Trying to be who we “should” be while rejecting the essence of who we are. The only way to reverse this process is through essentialization: reclaiming one’s essence through following the ONE voice of life/spirit/love within. The voice of life seeks to extend itself and asks that we take risks, do what we feel is right, and be ourselves without excuse or apology.

Healing the inner split one person at a time is the only way to achieve true world peace. The split between good/evil out there is simply a collective projection of the inner split within each of us. Killing Bin Laden does nothing to solve the problem of evil in the world, for our collective projection will simply shift to another “bad guy.”

Here’s to the ONE voice within and ONE love without!

Spiritual Warrior

What if I told you that you could do your part in healing the world simply by following the voice of life within you?

This is no easy task. It takes the courage of a spiritual warrior to listen within and do what you are told. It means stepping out of line sometimes. It means doing what others don’t agree with sometimes. It means being yourself.

This is a call for spiritual warriors. If you’re up for it please let me know.

Love, Kim


It takes a tremendous amount of courage to be on a serious spiritual path. At the core of this journey is fire. Life moves through us burning off everything in its path.

Some people I love are in the midst of a transformational fire – their insides are burning. Life as they know it is crumbling. I weep for them. Yet I know that the spiritual energy that is destroying what once was is the same energy that will offer them freedom, joy and inner peace.

I salute anyone brave and courageous enough to surrender to the transformative fire of life.