“Be Yourself” is a chapter heading in my upcoming book. It is also the title of a picture I drew of a lizard that hangs on my refrigerator. It is more than a philosophy or way of life – it is the best way to manage your personal energy.
I was reminded of this today when I found myself completely drained of energy without having the slightest idea why. I finally figured out that I was trying to be someone I’m not. I wasn’t trying to look or act different than myself, I was simply adopting parenting strategies that aren’t me.
It’s subtle stuff. Perhaps it’s trying to do something your boss’ way, or your mother’s, or your husband’s or wife’s way… Being yourself requires constant scrutiny of your actions to see if they come from your values or someone else’s. The price we pay for marching to the beat of another’s drum is energy depletion.
On the other hand, the benefit of marching to the beat of your own drum is calm energy and inner peace. Have you looked at what (or who) is motivating your actions lately?