Healing Drummer

Several years ago, I was contacted by a man named Toby Christensen. He had read Portals of Peace and wanted to interview me for a section on his website that featured like minded people.

Fast forward to this week when he’s in town giving a workshop and “drumming.” I didn’t really know what he did, but I was able to get in for a drumming session. WHOA! This is one of the most powerful experiences I’ve ever had.

During the session, he instructed me to lay down on my back while he stood over me and started drumming. I immediately felt my heart chakra open and then all the others followed. Soon I felt energy surging up and down my body, and at one point, I felt something heavy release from my abdomen area. That night I dreamt that I died and woke up feeling lighter than I’ve ever felt. It’s so cool that conscious drumming can raise one’s vibration so much.

Check him out at http://www.tobychristensen.com/


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