Intuition Confirmed

Some of you remember that I was rear-ended in March and my little Audi was totalled. I walked away from that accident with only minor injuries while my car was crunched like an accordion from being pushed into an SUV.

Several weeks later I settled with the insurance company and began shopping for another car. A new Audi was out of the question and most of the used ones cost way more than I had owed on mine.  I started thinking about getting a hybrid for environmental reasons and to simplify my life a little. I had also spotted a used silver Audi that was the same year and model as my previous car. I liked the idea of being more minimalistic though – it felt like the right thing to do. 

I was having a difficult time deciding when one day while washing the dishes I heard my inner voice say, “Life’s short, drive fast.” I immediately thought of the  Audi – my heart’s desire. With conviction, I headed to the dealership the next day and bought it. My old car with about the same amount of miles needed new brakes so I assumed this one did too. The warranty was about to run out as well, so I’d need to get an extended warranty… “Did I make the right choice?” I wondered.

Well yesterday I took that little car in for its first service. Tyler, my familiar service rep, told me it was good to see me and he’s happy I wasn’t hurt in the accident. Then he checked the computer on my new (used) car. Lo and behold, the original owner bought a service package and my 35,000 mile check-up was free! I left while they completed the work feeling elated and grateful. When I returned to pick up the car, Tyler rattled off a long list of free repairs they performed and handed me my keys.

“Wait, how are the breaks?” I asked.

“Great” he said, “You have a long way to go on those breaks.”

Moral of the story? Reason and intuition are completely different! Reason wanted me to choose a more “practical” vehicle. But I chose to listen to the buoyant voice inside me saying, “Life’s short, drive fast.”

  1. Very interesting story. I feel like I said the same exact thing to myself when I bought my first car, a BMW m3. I knew that I needed something fast and sporty to keep up with my lifestyle, so I had to get it 🙂 probably one of the best choices iv’e made since becoming an adult. Great little article, thanks for the insight.

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