
Have you heard of the Kindle? It’s an electronic reading device developed and sold by Amazon. It is quickly catching on with avid readers. Last week I saw Jeff Bezos (Amazon Founder and CEO) in an interview speaking about the Kindle phenomenon.

The Kindle is a wireless, hand held reading device about the size of a book. The screen looks like book pages – antique white paper with black letters. You can download a book in 60 seconds from your couch or favorite reading chair.

I know this sounds like a commercial about Kindle, but I have not taken a marketing position with Amazon;) I am however, interested in how the magical device will change the evolution of book distribution. The books are a lot cheaper – The Energy Cure is 7.99 on Kindle versus 12.99 retail – and it’s an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional printing.

So far there are 240,000 books available for the Kindle and more are being added each day. Bezos said his goal is to have every book ever written available for Kindle readers to access at any time. Cool huh!

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