Last night my cousin Heather and I went to see a movie. After the movie, we went to Starbucks for a late night coffee. We started talking about life and the various worries we’ve had over the years. It seems like everyone has something – one certain trouble that causes them to go round and round.
This year has been relatively worry free for me – I actually made a conscious decision to just do my best each day and to give the rest up to the universe or God to “meet me half way.”
The results have been miraculous. I have peace of mind every day and it has possibly been the best year of my life so far!
I believe that worry can be an addiction in itself – the way that we distract ourselves from what’s real. At the mental level it completely blocks the flow of life. So my commitment is to steer clear of worry and instead listen to my core self and do what it says. That way there will be no need for distraction.