Paying Attention

Last Sunday morning I watched Michael Beckwith deliver his sermon at the Agape Church in L.A. It was their first time streaming live on the Internet and they will continue to offer this every week now at 9:00 a.m. Pacific –

I always find Beckwith interesting, but this service gave me an especially large dose of inspiration.

One of the things he talked about was the difference between being curious, inquisitive, and paying attention. He described being curious as putting your toes in the water, but not really committing to the moment. He spoke of inquisitiveness as “trespassing” or stepping into someones business. Paying attention, however, is being available for whatever the moment has to offer.

I read a quote yesterday that said, “Love the moment and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries.” To me, this is what it means to pay attention. You really look at someone and their inner world unfolds before your very eyes. You notice a tree and it starts to glisten.

Paying attention is our way of loving God and appreciating life in all it’s different manifestations. A byproduct of this awareness is spiritual nourishment. Not only does the moment explode with life, but the life within you rushes in to fill you up.

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