3 Signs of Relationship Karma

I've Had Enough

Do you have relationship karma? Do you keep meeting the same type of people, or worse yet, having the same fight over and over with the same person? If so, you may be carrying some relationship karma that is holding you back.

3 signs of relationship karma:

  1. Certain types of people or specific behaviors drive you crazy. It could be controlling people, flaky people or even outgoing people that make you want to pull your hair out.
  1. You’re in a close relationship with someone that is “complicated.” It could be a parent, a boss or a partner. Either he or she wants more from you or you want more from them. This cycle of push/pull leads to power struggles. You’re tired of the struggle but have no idea what to do about it.
  1. You get highly emotional when you have to deal with these behaviors or difficult relationships. You may feel frustrated, angry or hurt over and over again…

In my book Modern Hippie, I talk about untangling from those who steal your peace. Untangling doesn’t necessarily mean cutting ties (although it may), but it does require reclaiming your power and energy from the unhealthy dynamic.

The saying, “It takes two to tango,” is really true. Even those who are victims of emotional abuse are allowing themselves to remain in a position where the victimization continues. This doesn’t apply to children of course, because they aren’t yet equipped to take their power back.

Karma is a form of momentum. It is a pattern that has been occurring for so long that the emotional and mental energies easily flow down a well worn path. This phenomenon is well documented in brain science. We develop connections in the brain that become stronger with use.

Nothing feels better than emotional freedom and inner peace. This level of freedom is like being a child again. When we aren’t engaged in complicated relationship dynamics, we can be truly present to the world and all its beauty and majesty.


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