3 Steps to Personal Growth

1.  Connect with your spiritual core every day. This requires being alone and being without distractions. Meditation is a natural choice. And, by the way, meditation is nothing more than actively connecting with your inner self through your breath. So keep it simple. Just breathe and try not to think! When you do have a thought, gently redirect your attention back to your breath. You can do a sitting mediation or a walking meditation. The only requirement is that you are by yourself and not focused on anything else, such as your favorite rap song. If listening to some instrumental music helps you meditate, by all means, go for it. But avoid music with words during your meditations. I’m not going to say how long you should meditate. This is up to you. A Course in Miracles suggests “Taking quiet time as soon as possible after waking… continuing a minute or two after you begin to find it difficult.” It is ideal to connect with your spiritual core or God just before bed as well, even if it’s just for a moment.

2.  Take some time to communicate with your inner self. After connecting with your spiritual core in silence, take some time to hear or feel what it wants you to know. Because the life within you wants you to evolve (love) as a way to make more room for its expression, it will tell you exactly what to do to further your growth. It might be helpful to write in a journal so you remember the insights you receive during this time. Of course, you will receive insights at different times of the day as well, especially now that you are nurturing an active connection with yourself. It can be helpful to write these things down so that you can review them later. Don’t be surprised if the intuitive nudges you get are ridiculously practical. Spiritual energy needs us to be healthy on every level for it to gracefully flow forth without blocks. So when you get the nudge to stop drinking diet soda, for example, don’t dismiss it – do it!

3. Ask for clarity, conviction and courage. Sometimes it takes a while to trust your inner self. Intuition can be vague, so it’s okay to ask for more conviction about the feelings you’re getting. Personal growth that is directed by life is generally transformative. That means you will systematically be led toward behaviors that will cleanse, renew and strengthen you on every level. This involves releasing old energies, which takes courage! Ask your inner self for clarity about what to do next, and then ask to receive conviction that it’s the right thing for everyone involved. Finally request the courage to follow-through. If you don’t have the courage to do what you need to do today, perhaps you will tomorrow! Just keep it light and stay connected.

  1. 1. Wow, I never noticed that I meditate everyday without knowing it until now! 2. Wow again, I thought I was crazy for being able to communicate with myself about insights I have discovered. Very cool to know. 3. Just keep it light and stay connected- Perfect. Pretty similar to einstein’s quote, “everything should be as simple as it is, but not simpler.”

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