
When I started my journey as a spiritual student and teacher fifteen years ago, my goal was to teach people spiritual principles so that they could become more fulfilled and inspired.

My heart still wants everyone to be blissed out most of the time, but I’m noticing that more and more people are just stressed out from daily life.

My goal at the moment is to help people get their lives back – get their energy back!

It is becoming increasingly clear that the more we are plugged into our spiritual core, or the more energized we are, the more buffered we are from stress. I’m finding in my own life that when my energy is low or depleted, I react to situations with less patience and deliberation than when I’m well nourished from within.

Further, it is our reaction to challenging events that cause stress producing chemicals to be released into our bodies, not the event itself. I know we have all heard this a thousand times, but are we getting it?

As a nation, we are becoming more addicted, more obese, and have more stress related illnesses than ever before. Have we forgotten that we are in control of ourselves? That we can be proactive and leave the house full of life and energy? That we can stay connected to this internal source by breathing mindfully throughout the day? That we can choose to do less and just be sometimes?

Do you think it’s possible to be calm in the midst of chaos or must we always lose our vital energy to the pace of modern day life?

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