A Reflection of Me?

My week has been odd. I wrote a blog entry last Saturday and the program has not allowed me to publish it all week. Further, there were no comments posted on my last blog. I was waiting on two important work emails for over a week, and was unable to get in touch with a dear friend.

When multiple incidences like that occur, I pay attention. There was a day or two in the middle of the week that I felt sad. I let the sadness bubble up and simply sat with it. Yesterday I woke up clear and reconnected to myself.

Wouldn’t you know it, when I turned on my computer there were the two work emails and a note from my friend! This morning my brother-in-law shared that there were comments on my last blog that were not showing up on the main screen. And I have high hopes that the program will let me publish this blog entry without a hitch…

Lately my outer world parallels my inner world with uncanny accuracy and immediacy. It seems clear to me that I was disconnected within – probably just sitting on some feelings that needed to surface – and the world was just being a mirror…

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