Tension Free Relationships

Tension is the result of unspoken words and unexpressed feelings. The mounting energy creates an invisible wall between two people that can be downright painful to experience. Have you ever walked into a room and immediately felt the tension?

Here’s the thing. Energy is contagious. We all feel what’s happening on some level. Learning to express yourself openly is one of the best things you can do – for yourself, your relationships, and the world. When you’re blocked inside with unexpressed feelings and unspoken words – the energy that nourishes and sustains you becomes obstructed. It doesn’t feel right. Sometimes, out of sheer avoidance, we get used to how this feels and the thought of opening the proverbial can of worms is downright terrifying. We’d rather down a fifth of vodka than to start expressing that which we have suppressed for so long…

Your energy flow is how you “become the change you wish to see in the world.” It is how you demonstrate peace and well-being, and how you nourish those around you. I would like to invite you to attend my Clean Communication workshop next Friday morning 8/13 from 9:00 – noon. We will be exploring how to keep communication channels open – both within you and between you and your friends and loved ones.

Communication is spirit in action – communion. Don’t wait another day to become a clear, bright presence in this world.

The details are on my website: http://970.285.myftpupload.com/keynotes-workshops/organizational-workshops/

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