Are You a Modern Hippie?

Are You a Modern Hippie

5 Signs that You are a Flower Child

Whatever happened to the glory days of the sixties when love was free and hippies sat on grassy fields all across America pondering the nature of life?

Are hippies back? I don’t know about you, but I’m spotting more people wearing tie dye these days. I’m also seeing lots of peace signs and an increasing amount of tolerance for the differences among us.

It would seem that after a break from this free-spirited era, hippies are back! Are you a modern hippie? Here are five signs that you are today’s version of a flower child.

1. You’re organic.

You may not go so far as to allow your body hair to take on a life of its own, but if you are a woman, your style is more minimalist than glamorous. And men? Well, you hippie fellas tend to lean more toward rugged than metro sexual.

You like your food organic too. No thank you on the pesticides and GMO’s. Not that eating this way is always affordable, but preferable for sure.

2. You care about the earth and its inhabitants.

Original hippies were activists and so are modern hippies. You see the earth as a living being that needs to be protected and unharmed. Therefore you recycle, try not to be an over-consumer and use your purchasing power to support companies that operate consciously and sustainably.

While modern hippies are not haters, you have a sincere disdain for factory farming. You may be flexitarian, vegetarian, vegan, or moving in that direction. If and when you do eat meat, you view it as a delicacy and are aware of how it is raised.

3. You love live music.

If you didn’t get to attend Woodstock, don’t worry… Music festivals are back. Modern hippies can’t get enough of bands that sing songs about unity and “one love.” And there are new peace loving bands cropping up every day.

In fact, the Grateful Dead reunion in Chicago last summer (2015) sold out all three shows, and from what I hear, the energy of love was so strong at Soldier Field that all who attended left high whether they were smoking or not!

4. You see other modern hippies wherever you go.

Let’s face it; hippies have a certain vibe that you can feel. You know it when you’re in the presence of another hippie and you can’t help but smile, nod or say hello.

The modern hippie vibe has a similar vibe to the original hippies – relaxed, accepting and peaceful. Sure, stress happens, but it’s not your predominant emotion. You free spirits prefer to go with the flow instead of swim upstream. All in all, you folks are nice to be around.

5. Peace Prevails.

The modern hippie hasn’t abandoned the desire for more peace and love in the world, but it’s pursued in a slightly different way. The modern hippie is supremely focused on cultivating inner peace. This is because you know that these things are contagious, and if you’re peaceful inside, then the person sitting next to you gets to benefit from the calm spirit that you emanate.

The hippie spirit is alive and well with the original hippies still leading the way for all of us who will never stop trying to make our planet more peaceful, loving and green.

My new book, Modern Hippie: An Intuitive Journey Toward a Free-Spirited Life explores what it means to be a true free spirit, untangled from everything and everybody, yet more peaceful and loving than ever!

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