Christ’s Light

Today is the Winter Solstice -the shortest day of the year. Three days from midnight tonight we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and the renewed light in all of us.

It’s interesting that the light emerges three days after the darkest day of the year. It is typical to have a funeral three days after someone dies, and of course there are three days between the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. According to Doreen Virtue, the number three symbolizes the presence of ascended masters such as Jesus and Buddha.

I believe that we are rebirthed many times throughout our lives. What if, when we’ve been lost in our own wilderness of drama, addiction and trauma, it takes three days for our light to once again emerge along with our inner peace?

I’ve always been aware of the delay between right action and feeling good, but now I’m wondering if there is some metaphysical rhyme or reason to the number three.

Regardless, if anyone reading this is currently making choices that “miss the mark” (literal translation for sin), now is your time to return to Right Action, for in three days – on Christmas morning – your light will be once again shining bright.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

With the holidays upon us, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday season from Anna and I. My grown up Christmas wish (stolen from my fav xmas song) is that we choose peace in every moment and let the stress rest!

Anxiety versus Sensitivity

So many of us struggle with anxiety. We may even develop anxiety disorders such as OCD or chronic panic attacks. Anxiety in general seems to be on the rise and I have to say that I’m not surprised.

We move so fast, take little or no time for reflection, over-consume and constantly distract ourselves with technology, electronic devices and toys that are inherently ungrounding.

Anxiety is the spiritual, emotional and physical energy that is trying to flow into the world but instead swims in circles within the body. Sensitive people – those of us who are highly intuitive, artistic or just plain aware – need to be even more vigilant about buffering our lives against anxiety.

Transforming anxiety into passionate expression is possible if we do the following:
  • Get Grounded – Ground your spiritual energy daily through connecting rituals such as meditation, journaling and walking or running without music.
  • Create Safety – Surround yourself with people who honor you, your quirks, your feelings and your passions. Distance yourself from anyone who is unsupportive, as people who respond with silence or criticism cause us to retreat, pulling our energy back inside the body where it again swims and turns to anxiety.
  • Express Your Feelings – Emotional energy is spiritual energy with extra velocity. Left unexpressed, it festers and eats us alive.
  • Feed Your Passions – Choosing a life of security over expressing our God given talents is a recipe for chronic anxiety. We are built to express our unique brand of brilliance into the world. Find a way to do this today.

I used to have anxiety and didn’t even know what it was. I felt fearful and was overly cautious. While I utilize all of the above techniques, creating safety in my life has been the single most important thing I have done to transform my anxiety… We all deserve nothing less.

God Bless.

Just Breathe and Wait

Last night I watched a movie about survival. I’m not going to say which one in case some of you haven’t seen it yet. Suffice to say that the conditions were horrific and there was very little hope of rescue.

As fate would have it, the tide brought in an object that made it possible for him to get rescued. After the ordeal was over, he returned to find that everything that kept him alive was gone, only to experience devastation all over again.

While sharing how he survived with an old friend, he said that even though there was no sign of possible rescue, somehow he knew that his only job was to take one breath after another. He applied the same philosophy to his present situation of returning home to find more loss, saying “All I can do is take one breath after another and see what the tide brings in.”

This story describes me right now. I have not survived a tragedy and I am blessed beyond all measure, yet I find myself once again surrendering to the “will of the wind” as I take one breath at a time and wait to see what the tide might bring.

Raise Your Vibration Talk

Hello All my beautiful blogger friends! I’d like to invite you to a talk I’m giving in Scottsdale this Sunday called, “Raise Your Vibration.” It is about how to increase your capacity to metabolize spiritual energy. I’d love to see you there if you’re in town!

  • Where: Bikram Yoga Studio – 9301 E. Shea Blvd. #121
  • When: Sunday 11/15 6:00-7:00p.m.

  • Cost: $10.00 donation for Ater “Anthony” (Lost boy of Sudan)
Bring a towel or low folding chair to sit on and be prepared to take off your shoes!!

Love, Kim


C Celebrate what is.
RReceive guidance from within.
EElevate above negativity.
A Act on intuitive guidance.
TTiming. Honor divine timing.
EEmulate success to inspire others.

I received this acronym from my guides as I was journaling the other day. It is powerful. Creating is not something that happens only when we want something. It is a moment by moment dance with life that yields joy and abundance.

Celebrating your blessings opens you up inside and allows life energy to fill you up. In other words, celebrating whatever it is you can be happy about in this moment is a prerequisite for participating with life in a creative way. This is proactive and different from having gratitude after something we desire has come to fruition.

Receiving guidance within points us in the direction of our heart’s desires and lights the way toward purposeful direction.
Elevating above negativity keeps our energy vibrating at a fast rate so that we can continue to hear our inner voice and feel our intuition.

Maintaining a lifeline to our inner self is only useful when we Act on the guidance we receive.

Then we must rest, knowing that timing is out of our hands, as are the details of how our best life unfolds.

Finally, as we Emulate success (joy, fulfillment, peace and abundance), we inspire others to step above the vibration of competition and create the life of their dreams.

The most powerful step for me has been to practice celebrating the simple blessings on a moment by moment basis. I can actually feel my heart open when I do this. It feels different to me than “after the fact” gratitude, and has truly enriched my life.

Be Peace

I was recently asked how inner peace specifically translates to world peace. The long answer can be found in Portals of Peace, but here’s the short version:)

  • Infectious Energy – We know that energy is contagious. This has now been measured. People will entrain with the strongest energy field in the room, and higher vibrations are more contagious than their lower counterparts. I like to think of this as the “Oasis Effect.” People come into your energy field from the desert for some nice shade and sustenance.” They leave nourished and renewed and proceed to share this with others. Your peace moves further than you could ever imagine.

  • Lack of Projection – By definition, peace is an integrated psyche. When we are at peace within ourselves we extend love rather than project division. Seeing through our projections results in “us and them” thinking that perpetuates conflict in the world. “Whole Vision” sees whole people – their light and their challenges, which allows us to respond with compassion.

  • Contribution to Collective Consciousness – When we are integrated inside, we show up as fully lit up pieces of the puzzle of humanity. As more and more of us bring our light into the world, the collective psyche is affected, making it easier for others to bring their own light to the surface.

The connection between inner peace and world peace is very literal. It is the quickest and most effective means to achieving peace in the world.

Be Peace.

Inner Peace

I’m just now rebounding from my talk last week. I notice that these events really do a number on my energy. It always takes a few days of doing nothing to refuel and get life flowing again.

That said, it was an amazing honor to speak at the AZ Department of Peace. I believe whole heatedly in the mission and purpose of this group – what we focus on expands right?

The message of my talk was how inner peace relates to world peace. In addition to peace affecting our environment directly and energetically, we view the world differently when we are at peace. We see with what I call “whole vision.” When we are connected to the light within us, we are able to see the light within others, even when they behave badly.

With whole vision we remember that everything is either an act of love or a call for love.

Above all else, inner peace is the result of inner integration. We still get in bad moods, we still have moments of frustration and life continues to ebb and flow according to its own rhythms, but when we are integrated inside we are no longer at war with ourselves. Life moves through without bumping up against our suppressions. We don’t need to self-sabotage because we are aligned with the flow of life rather than our with our small and defended egos.

Thankfully, I can say that I experience deep inner peace these days. I have my ups and downs like everyone else. I get snippy with my loved ones and sometimes feel overwhelmed, but life and I are on the same side. That wasn’t always the case, which makes the peace even sweeter.

We all deserve to be at peace. It’s not hard, it just requires that we spend time tuning into our inner selves, which will intuitively guide us toward integration and wholeness.

Arizona Department of Peace Talk

Please join me for a free talk on Portals of Peace: A Path to Inner Peace and a Healed World in conjunction with Arizona Department of Peace.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 7:00pm


Franciscan Renewal Center

5802 E. Lincoln Drive, Scottsdale, AZ 85253
It promises to be an inspiring evening!

The Center for Renewal

I am thrilled to announce a new center that I am opening with my partner (and sister:) Michelle O’Neill. It is called The Center for Renewal. It’s purpose is to provide a supportive environment in which people can come and fast for 24 hours.

As many of you know I am a big proponent of fasting. I do one-day fasts regularly and I can say without a doubt that these purification days save me. They save me from bad moods, bloating and weight gain while increasing my sense of playfulness, grounding and inspiration.

Fasting is also a key aspect of essentialization. It falls into the “shedding” category right after charging and alchemy.

The two steps following shedding are embodying and expressing your spirit – a natural result of letting go of physical and emotional blocks.

I’ll keep you posted on dates and locations for the first retreat!