Just Breathe and Wait

Last night I watched a movie about survival. I’m not going to say which one in case some of you haven’t seen it yet. Suffice to say that the conditions were horrific and there was very little hope of rescue.

As fate would have it, the tide brought in an object that made it possible for him to get rescued. After the ordeal was over, he returned to find that everything that kept him alive was gone, only to experience devastation all over again.

While sharing how he survived with an old friend, he said that even though there was no sign of possible rescue, somehow he knew that his only job was to take one breath after another. He applied the same philosophy to his present situation of returning home to find more loss, saying “All I can do is take one breath after another and see what the tide brings in.”

This story describes me right now. I have not survived a tragedy and I am blessed beyond all measure, yet I find myself once again surrendering to the “will of the wind” as I take one breath at a time and wait to see what the tide might bring.

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