The Bounty of Mother Earth

Recently while meditating and consciously filling myself with spiritual energy, I’ve felt the need to pass some of it down to Mother Earth. The imagery I’ve been receiving is that of the earth being depleted of it’s bountiful resources and not getting anything back.

I also felt us humans as ungrounded – attached more to the values of heaven than earth, even though both are equally valuable. Earthly values are more yin than yang, and have the role of receiving. An example of this is planting a flower. The earth graciously receives the seed and the flower eventually grows out of the dark, fertile soil.

I don’t consider it a coincidence that this awareness is coming to me around Thanksgiving – a time when we celebrate the bounty of mother earth. Attention, appreciation and respect are all necessary for any living being to thrive, and the earth is a living organism.

This is a wonderful time to direct appreciation and attention to the earth. Simply being aware of it and the unyielding support it provides is a good start. Remember, where attention goes, energy flows, and everything sustainable requires energy.

Have a blessed holiday!

Energy Squared

For those of you who have not heard, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity equation – e=mc2 – was just corroborated or confirmed at the sub-atomic level. The theory has, of course been applied to science and used in many discoveries, but until recently the actual equation was nothing more than a hypothesis.

Here’s a formula that applies to interpersonal relationships: Energy2

The big myth today is that win/lose is a choice in relationships. The truth is if one person loses, both lose – energetically that is. Conversely, when making energizing or life-enhancing choices, everyone wins.

This concept is somewhat abstract, but think about it this way – if you feed someone energy at your own expense, you lose because you get drained, and they lose because they increase their dependency on external energy sources.

But if you make choices based on inspiration, i.e., when you are energized/in-spirit enough to do them – the energy has moved through you first, before it is shared with the world: Win/Win – Energy2.

Here’s the tip to remember: Inspiration is the feeling of being full of energy. Any action taken from this place fills you up and lights up the world simultaneously. Anything less than inspiration: obligation, boredom, resentment, etc. is caused from being drained and an indication that you need to fill yourself up before doing anything.

Einstein continues to feed us with his inspired discovery – now let’s keep it going!


Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

We all have desires and dreams – it is the nature of life that we do. Life wants to create through us and knows that in order to do so we must be secure, comfortable and have the resources to make things happen.

What if the only obstacle between you and your dreams is the right dream? I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who’s felt like I was banging my head against a brick wall while trying to reach a particular destination. But there are other times when it feels as if you’ve clicked into something bigger than you, and everything synergistically moves you forward.

I think it is very plausible, if not probable, that the “right dream” is all it takes to flow effortlessly down the river. The tricky part is finding the right dream – the one that you want in the depths of your heart – the one that will allow you to express your gifts most fully, and therefor optimally serve the whole.

Sometimes we have to wade through the dreams we think we want before getting to the one. This is a refreshing thought in a “positive thinking” world. Perhaps shifting directions is all that’s required to get things moving again.

A New Day

Last night was huge. I know we all felt it, something shifted. This country and the world became a little more integrated and a little less fragmented. I know healing when I see it, and the balm of hope and redemption mended hearts and soothed pain that’s been in our individual and collective psyches for hundreds of years.

One of the things I’m most excited about is the involvement of each of us in making this world a better place. Now more than ever, we need to reach our own potential so that we are not sitting on pieces of ourselves, but rather, putting ourselves our there so that light can shine through unobstructed.

It’s a brand new day. The air feels lighter, cleaner and fresher. The energy of hope has elevated us into another dimension where our mended hearts are able to pump more love into our bodies and the world

Yes we did.

Don’t forget to Vote!

Just wanted to post a loving reminder to vote tomorrow. My intuition (and common sense) tells me that the polls are going to be packed, so it may save time to go mid-morning or afternoon instead of before or after work.

It’s a new season and I’m excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. As you all know, I’m an “Obama Mama,” but I’m extending compassion and prayers to both candidates – as they are both part of the puzzle of humanity.

Nevertheless, my hopes are high that Obama will be elected and usher in an era of intuitive leadership.

Good luck and have a happy voting day!

Show-up Prepared

Lately I’ve been pretty busy. I’m not complaining, as I requested it:) And in between teaching classes, giving talks and coaching, I’m preparing for these things, writing articles, being a mom, and trying to squeeze in a yoga class or two…

Well tonight, at the end of one of those well deserved yoga classes, my mind started racing about all I needed to get done. My intuition interrupted me. “Show up prepared,” it said. As it goes with intuitive messages, I got the felt sense of what it meant along with the words.

Showing up prepared has two dimensions. Of course, you do your homework, plan your talk, or whatever it is that you’re doing, so that you do a good job, but that’s not enough. We need to show up full – full of our own spirits, fully present, and in a peaceful place so that we can hear our inner voice direct us appropriately.

The other day I went to the doctor for a check up, an elderly woman on the elevator with me was having a hard time finding her way out to the parking lot. I pushed the button for the floor she told me she needed to go to and stayed in the elevator to see if it worked. It didn’t, a couple of other people got on the elevator and I told them where she needed to go and then got off on my floor. She looked at me nervously as I got off the elevator. I proceeded to check in with my doctor’s office and then told the receptionist that I needed to check something. I went back out and sure enough, this woman was riding the elevator up and down by herself, having no idea where to go. She was about to cry and couldn’t even tell me where she lived, but knew she was waiting for dial-a-ride. I saw to it that she found her way to her ride and then went back up to my appt. If I hadn’t shown up prepared, I wouldn’t have been paying attention to my intuition telling me that the woman still needed help.

I believe it’s important to be clear about what we want in life, but aside from getting clear, our only job is to show up to whatever we’re doing prepared – both physically and spiritually. It doesn’t matter if it’s going to the grocery store. By doing so, we hand the details over to life and allow divine order to take over.

Soul of the Southwest

Last week I had the opportunity to do a Sustainable Service training for the State of New Mexico, which is located in the beautiful capital of Santa Fe. I’ve always wanted to go there, and despite never having been, frequently imagined myself living in that area later in life.

Santa Fe is the oldest capital city in the United States and was originally named, La Villa Real de la Santa Fe de San Francisco de Asis,” or “The Royal City of the Holy Faith of Saint Francis of Assisi.” This explains the statues of Saint Francis scattered around the town.

I couldn’t help feeling like Santa Fe is the soul of the whole Southwest. I had coffee with an older gentleman named Stephen who gave me a glimpse into the community there. He spoke to four or five other men while I was there, at one point sharing his concern about his dog with cancer and inquiring as to the health of the other man. Their hearts were open to one another, the way you’d expect from deeply connected and artistic-minded people.

The sky in Santa Fe is deep blue and the air is crisp and clear. The spiritual roots of the town are palpable. If you haven’t been there, and want to experience energy that is both grounded and inspired, I would recommend a visit.

Getting Ahead of Yourself

For years I’ve lived ahead of myself – not metaphorically, but literally. I know this is a phrase we use in everyday language, but it’s surprising how many of these common sayings are literal in an energetic sense.

If you’re a visionary – someone who naturally has a sense of what’s to come – you are susceptible to getting ahead of yourself too. Getting ahead of yourself is what happens when your energy jumps ahead of your body in an attempt to rush something along, only instead of accelerating your goals, it slows things down.

This is because we are most powerful when we fully embody our energy – without moving ahead of where we’re at in the present moment. To get a sense of whether you’re ahead of yourself, simply notice how you are around other people. Do you feel the need to convince them of who you really are? Do you get the message that they don’t really “see” you? If so, perhaps it’s because a part of you is in front of you! Make sense?

I’ve only recently become aware of this whole phenomenon because I’m no longer ahead of myself. I’m resting squarely in my body, and, I’m being responded to differently. People now see me – the real me. I have to wonder why I rushed ahead for so long… I think if I’d just kept pace with myself, everything would have unfolded a bit more gracefully.

Being in your body is no easy task – we can be beside ourselves, behind or above as well, but I’m thinking that’s another blog… For now, rest easy knowing that where you’re at is perfect, and accepting your present place is the most efficient way to get to where you’d like to be.


I just read an article about Oprah doing a 21 day vegan cleanse. And while I’m a firm believer in eating clean and even fasting, I’ve been hesitant to say too much about it. I think my hesitation stems from our society’s obsession with thinness. I have spend years unraveling from these messages, and I don’t want to feed into them (pardon the pun:).

I am ready to come out of the closet on this topic and shout out the benefits of cleansing from the nearest mountain top, which would be Camelback… We don’t have to get radical here, it can, and should, be a process. The goal is to clear physical congestion and release attachments (energy strings dangling to the things we feel we can’t live without.)

As we all know, clearing out physical residue increases absorption of what we really crave: spiritual energy. And pulling back strings of attachment allows us to better contain that nourishment once it’s received.

So whether you choose try The Master Cleanse (my personal favorite) or to simply cut out coffee and alcohol for a week, you ‘ll be better for it – and most importantly feel better, more nourished and more alive..