
I just read an article about Oprah doing a 21 day vegan cleanse. And while I’m a firm believer in eating clean and even fasting, I’ve been hesitant to say too much about it. I think my hesitation stems from our society’s obsession with thinness. I have spend years unraveling from these messages, and I don’t want to feed into them (pardon the pun:).

I am ready to come out of the closet on this topic and shout out the benefits of cleansing from the nearest mountain top, which would be Camelback… We don’t have to get radical here, it can, and should, be a process. The goal is to clear physical congestion and release attachments (energy strings dangling to the things we feel we can’t live without.)

As we all know, clearing out physical residue increases absorption of what we really crave: spiritual energy. And pulling back strings of attachment allows us to better contain that nourishment once it’s received.

So whether you choose try The Master Cleanse (my personal favorite) or to simply cut out coffee and alcohol for a week, you ‘ll be better for it – and most importantly feel better, more nourished and more alive..

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