A Course in Miracles tells us that miracles are every one’s right, but purification is necessary first. While I’ve experienced the truth of this statement over the years as I become more emotionally clear, I also know that we can experience miracles whenever we are balanced.
Evolving Politics
Making Decisions
Decision making isn’t always easy, especially the big ones involving jobs, relationships or a possible move. Society’s conventional wisdom often encourages one thing, while our gut instincts tell us something different.
Release Valves
Last month I had the pleasure of being interviewed by three young men for an Internet Radio show. These guys were hysterical – they drank beer while during interviews to “loosen their lips.”
Life will transform anything negative if we don’t distract ourselves. Perhaps taking a break from the good ol’ release valve will accelerate your journey toward real bliss.
Michelle Obama’s Speech
I was reminded tonight why I am so committed to spiritual, mental, emotional, physical and relational health.
Power vs. Force
I’m sure some of you have heard of the book, Power vs. Force by David Hawkins. It’s a classic amongst self-help junkies like me, and a great book that explores the difference between mental force and spiritual power.
Have you heard of entrainment? It’s the synchronization of two or more rhythmic cycles. It was discovered in the 17th century by a clock maker. Before going to bed, he noted that all the pendulums on his clocks were swinging at different rates. In the middle of the night he woke up to discover that they were all in harmony. Perplexed, he got up and set them all uniquely again, and within hours found that they had once again entrained.
Do More, Talk Less..
Have you ever noticed that when you talk about an inspired idea too early the energy deflates and you lose your enthusiasm? Next thing you know, you’re on to something else and can’t even remember what you were excited about…
Gratitude and Attraction
We’ve all heard that in order to attract we need to practice gratitude. This makes perfect sense, but until recently I hadn’t put all the pieces of the puzzle together. According to his book, The Heartmath Solution, Doc Childre says that the heart’s electromagnetic field is approximately five thousand times greater than the mind alone.
Workplace Energy
Here’s a question for you… First, Do you work in a formal work environment? Second, How d0 you keep your energy untangled from the drama so that you can remain fresh and life-filled?