Evolving Politics

By Nikita Gearing
I take a moment to Breathe.
I breathe in Peace
I breathe out Peace
I awaken the Presence of Peace within me now.
May my words be a prayer of Peace into the world and be
manifest in alignment with the highest good.
I call forth the Highest outcome for the USA Presidential Election in 2008.
I call forth the election of the 44th President of the United States of America
who will serve the highest evolution of the USA and our world.
I am grateful that Truth, Integrity, Peace, and the New Paradigm are now present
and manifesting through the USA Presidential Election.
I call forth the reality of Peace, Unity, Consciousness, Sustainable Solutions
and the New Earth Resonance.
I intend that the President and Vice President who will serve and create the Highest Good
for all peoples of the USA, all peoples of the world, and all of life
on our precious planet are now elected, Simply and Easily.
I recognize that I play a role in creating Peace, each day, each moment.
I dedicate this moment to ‘Consciously Create’ the election of the President and
Vice President who will support life and serve the highest good of all peoples.
I am grateful that Truth Prevails Now, the Peace Prevails Now.
I am grateful that the highest outcome for the USA Presidential Election is now manifest.
I Create Peace now.
So be it.

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