
It is raining in Arizona today, which is rare. The dry earth is soaking up nourishment and the desert is even starting green up from several days of rain over the past couple of weeks.

I think those of us that live here can almost feel the relief coming from the earth below. It’s as if the ground is finally able to exhale, to relax, or “chilax” (a word my hip L.A. friend taught me over the weekend that combines relax+chill).

It is a striking metaphor to what happens to us when we allow ourselves to be nourished from within. Once we fill ourselves up with oxygen and energy, we are able to let go of tension and toxic emotions that accumulate from rushing around in fight or flight mode.

It can be challenging to stay chilaxed over the holidays – as I experienced yesterday when several people stepped in front of me in line at a store. Rather than get irritated about the fact that I could very well miss my yoga class due to the injustice of it all, I took a few deep breaths and coached myself into keeping it all in perspective.

I ended up getting to class on time with the gift in hand – thanks universe! I’m hoping that, like our beautiful desert, we can all absorb the abundant life around us during this busy time of year.

The Web of Consciousness

I’m more political this year than I’ve ever been, which I’m sure is true for a lot of us who are ready for some much needed change. As we come closer to narrowing down the 2008 presidential candidates, the collective web of consciousness in which we live is once again coming to the forefront.

I’m witnessing false rumors about emerging candidates spread like wild fire for the purpose of igniting fear. The majority of people don’t take the time to rise above the web and think for themselves, or to research the facts. It is much easier to find oneself in the mold of consciousness and gel into whatever is floating around.

As Bright Ones it’s important to rise above this web, not just in politics but in all areas of life. The web would have us believe that it’s supremely important to have boat loads of money, to be stick thin if your a woman and perfectly lean and buff if your a man. It would have us reject ourselves over and over until we fit the web’s idea of perfection.

Getting out takes awareness and determination – believe nothing and question everything against your own inner wisdom. Each one of us who has the courage and strength to rise above this sticky web can offer a hand to help someone else do the same.

Personal Energy Management

As I prepare for the January release of The Energy Cure, I’m becoming more and more excited to share the art of personal energy management with as many people as the universe will allow:)

Personal Energy Management (PEM) is a way of approaching life that leaves you full instead of empty. It is based on the premise that we are designed to fully embody our own spirit and extend it into the world as love and creative self-expression.

The challenge is that many of us are so busy and strung out that we suffer from chronic energy depletion. I believe this is an epidemic in today’s society, resulting in a myriad of symptoms ranging from anxiety and mild depression to self-defeating habits such as over-eating, spending and working.

Over the next weeks and months as I do radio shows, book signings and talks about PEM, I will relay energy tips and ways of keeping ourselves full.

I call people who have mastered the art of PEM Bright Ones. Bright Ones pour spiritual energy into their immediate environment. They make you want to stand real close and absorb their nourishing vibe. They are like an oasis in the desert offering a reprieve from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

If you read this blog, you are either a Bright One or well on your way to becoming one. Let’s get brighter each day by making choices that preserve our life force, so that we can extend it as God intended. Not only does this approach offer us the essential nourishment we crave – it allows us to share our light with our brothers and sisters – just by being ourselves.

Season of Gratitude

This is the time of year that we remember to be grateful. There is no faster way to open your heart than to feel gratitude. When we do, love pours into and through us, filling us up completely.

Despite our constant attempts, there is no other way for us to become full. No amount of food (even if it is pumpkin pie..), money, or even love from others can fulfill us. Only love from within that we share with others will do the trick. In this sense, it’s important to remember to let others love us – because that’s how they become full as well.

More than anything else, gratitude is a frame of mind. We tend to get busy during the holidays – sometimes ending up so exhausted that we forget about the important stuff, like being present. Doing things for others is not always the best way to be gracious. Sometimes it’s taking care of ourselves, doing what we can, and showing up full of life and joy.

I’m so very grateful for my blogger family, and my biological one too! Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

I recently received an email of this beautiful video. If you have a moment to watch it, I promise it will open your heart.

The Energy Cure Book Signing

Mark your calendar! For those of you who are local, the first book signing for The Energy Cure is scheduled for Thursday, January 17 at 7pm at Barnes & Noble in Scottsdale. More signings and events will be posted on the “What’s New/Calendar” page of my website.

Fun Times

As soon as my daughter learned to talk she began asking if we could get a mini-van. My response usually went something like, When you grow up you can drive a mini-van honey.

I guess the universe heard her request because a marketing company contacted me to see if I would drive a Dodge Grand Caravan for a week as a part of a word-of-mouth marketing program.

Thinking of my daughter, I obliged. Turns out we had a blast – she with the satellite TV and me with satellite radio. She and her cousins sorted through their Halloween candy on the table in the back, and a family friend took them to a ranch for some horseback riding.

As an energy coach, I teach people that one way to share your essence with the world is to make sure that your clothes, house and car accurately reflect who you are. And although the mini-van doesn’t quite reflect my essence, I will say that it is super nice and was tons of fun.

Perhaps United Airlines needs someone to try out a first class flight to Europe?


In addition to Eat, Pray, Love (which I’m still reading because I read several books at a time), I’m reading two other books. I don’t think it’s an accident that all three of them talk about meditation.

During my own meditation/journaling time this morning, I realized that the universe is nudging me to deepen my meditation practice. Although I have faithfully meditated every day for over fifteen years, I have not become great at it. Possibly, in part, due to my Christian orientation. If I were Hindu or Buddhist, meditation would be central to my spirituality, but as a Christian, it has been more of a grounding exercise for me.

I received an image of myself as a lovely, sturdy vase without a flower in it. Meditation is the rose. I was also given a mantra – simply Aum (Om) – which is defined as the sound of the infinite. I’m to say it one time during each inhale/exhale cycle. This makes sense, as it seems that most people who really master the art of meditation use a mantra.

I’m grateful for this insight. As after years of preparation, I’m excited to finally bloom:)

Have you seen this picture taken by NASA? It is referred to as The Eye of God. It took my breath away…

Karmic Residue

Years ago my higher self revealed the definition of karma as every action done apart from God. In other words, choices we make that are out of alignment with life. Each unconscious choice makes a mess that stands between us and feelings of peace and well being that are our birthright.

Karmic messes also dilute our energy and slow down the natural blessings that come when we are clear inside.

The only way to get back on track is to take right action consistently. When we act in alignment with our higher self, messes we’ve made are slowly cleaned up.

One thing I’ve observed though, is that there is always a lag time – you may have cleaned up the karma with diligent action, but the residue is still burning off. This can be a very frustrating time because you know your doing the right thing, but are not seeing the results you’d like.

What I’d like to say is keep on keepin’ on. It will come. Whether it’s inner peace your seeking or something external – keep taking right action knowing that the fruit of your labor is sure to be sweet.