Personal Energy Management

As I prepare for the January release of The Energy Cure, I’m becoming more and more excited to share the art of personal energy management with as many people as the universe will allow:)

Personal Energy Management (PEM) is a way of approaching life that leaves you full instead of empty. It is based on the premise that we are designed to fully embody our own spirit and extend it into the world as love and creative self-expression.

The challenge is that many of us are so busy and strung out that we suffer from chronic energy depletion. I believe this is an epidemic in today’s society, resulting in a myriad of symptoms ranging from anxiety and mild depression to self-defeating habits such as over-eating, spending and working.

Over the next weeks and months as I do radio shows, book signings and talks about PEM, I will relay energy tips and ways of keeping ourselves full.

I call people who have mastered the art of PEM Bright Ones. Bright Ones pour spiritual energy into their immediate environment. They make you want to stand real close and absorb their nourishing vibe. They are like an oasis in the desert offering a reprieve from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

If you read this blog, you are either a Bright One or well on your way to becoming one. Let’s get brighter each day by making choices that preserve our life force, so that we can extend it as God intended. Not only does this approach offer us the essential nourishment we crave – it allows us to share our light with our brothers and sisters – just by being ourselves.

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