It’s official!

Career Press/New Page Books is publishing my book, The Energy Cure (formerly known as Plug in and Charge). Look for it in bookstores this fall!


Is anyone else experiencing a gut level reaction to Saddam’s execution? I don’t understand it. I would not consider myself overly political, however I would consider myself intuitive. One of the ways my intuition speaks to me is through feelings in my body.

Every time I catch a glimpse of the news of Saddam my stomach gets heavy and sadness washes over me. Isn’t there a better way to handle people who are seriously misguided and dangerous?

Be where you’re at…

My sister-in-law Amy once attended a yoga class where the teacher told her, “Be where you’re at…. on the mat.” Tonight I was on my own mat in yoga and during the glorious savasana (resting pose at the end of class) I found my mind wandering.

“What should I wear out tonight… should I eat first? hmm. I wonder what shoes I would wear if lived in San Francisco..” My random mental chatter was interrupted with a gentle reminder to be where I was at, simply on my mat receiving the benefits of my rigorous practice.

As I returned to my breath, my body and my mat, I began to focus on what Eckhart Tolle refers to as a good relationship with the present moment. For a little while I was able to sink into a place where I felt in-love with the present moment.

I brought this feeling home with me and wish to share it with you. One of the lessons from A Course in Miracles is “I am in need of nothing but the truth.” The present moment seems like the truth to me – undiluted life waiting to give us everything we need.

Ahh, my blog is back…

I have been technologically challenged this past few weeks and it left me blogless for a while.. I’m so glad it’s back!

I realized that this blog helps me feel more connected to you. Even though I sometimes don’t know who reads it or what you are going through, simply extending myself in this form gives a feeling of connection.

Your comments are golden. Thank you. But even when you don’t comment I feel you, so keep checking and I’ll keep writing!

Blessings during this holiday season and beyond. Shout out to Jesus! Happy birthday brother!

Love, Kim

Is Romantic Love the Highest Love?

A dedicated spiritual seeker recently asked how the “specialness” we often attribute to our intimate partners fits in to universal/spiritual love, where everyone is special.

My thought is this – certain people expand one’s hearts to the point that more love can pour through it than before. I think this is natural and beautiful.

The feeling of being in love comes from the increased amount of spiritual energy moving through you – the love is the same love that you would give to anyone – just much more intense.

The danger of romantic love becoming “unspiritual” is when couples put their partner or relationship above everyone else. I’ve seen some couples fall into the trap of finding the negative in other people, situations and relationships as a way to keep that “me and you against the world” feeling that is so strong in the beginning.

The spiritual goal might be to generalize one’s newfound open-heartedness to the world, while keeping the relationship sacred.

Department of Peace

You may or may not know that a bill is before the U.S. House and Senate to create a Department of Peace. The bill is asking for 2% of the budget allocated to the Department of Defense in order to study ways to cultivate conditions for peace.

This is a radically different approach – rather than targeting the symptom – the department would study the causes of conflict, both domestically and internationally. We know, for example, that poverty stricken communities who don’t feel supported by their local government frequently become breeding grounds for violence, and that helping these communities implement sustainable ways to support themselves redirects the violent energy toward positive change.

This is revolutionary. It is an opportunity to cultivate real peace in our neighborhoods, schools and the world. For more information visit

Happy Thanksgiving!

My family name is Breedlove. My grandmother and grandfather decided to change it to Kingsley when my father was young because they thought Breedlove to be too provocative. It may be provocative, but it is what my family does – we breed love.

Today I am thankful for my heritage. For the generations of pioneers, entrepreneurs, activists and lovers who came before me. I choose to embrace the spirit of my name and send each of you all the love that your hearts can hold.

What are you thankful for?

Energetic Entitlement

During a a yoga class two years ago my higher self told me that I needed to cultivate “Energetic Entitlement” around receiving. I saw a picture of myself pouring energy into the world and only receiving a fraction of it in return.

Not only do we have an energy system in and around our bodies, we exchange energy with the environment as well. As an energy coach, I help people become aware of their internal and external energy patterns and align them with health and vitality.

Many of these patterns originate in childhood, forming in response to our relationship with one or both parents. In my case, I was the oldest of four children. My energy pattern developed in response to getting a lot of attention and praise for helping out with the younger kids and being kind.

I’m using affirmations and prayer to help me balance this natural ebb and flow of life energy. This way I can graciously receive from the world and not think that I have to over-give in order to have value.

Home sweet home…

For years I have secretly – and sometimes not so secretly – wanted to move. I saw myself someplace more liberal, more organic, with fresh faced, tree hugging, love-giving people all around me.

I saw Scottsdale as the opposite. It turns out I wasn’t seeing at all. In the last few months, most likely resulting from an intention to love the place I live without reservation, a new world has opened up for me.

Yesterday, as I was sitting at the incredibly cute and tasty Dragonfly Cafe eating my butternut squash salad, I reflected on the new dimension to my world right here.

Maybe it has to do with the incredible magazine that I’m now involved with – One Planet – Or perhaps my new firefighter/energy healer friend who took me to a small gathering to hear one of my all time favorite authors, Marianne Williamson this weekend. Or maybe the bright eyed woman I met who owns an organic tea room and restaurant right in the heart of downtown Scottsdale,

The most likely reason I’ve discovered the community I’ve always longed for is because I opened my eyes and saw what was around me all the time.

Last night I gave a talk at a fundraising party that hosted 100 women. It was powerful to be in the presence of that much feminine energy. The moon was nearly full – it felt like a goddess gathering.

I shared five energy tips:

Be Creative: Make everything you do uniquely you!
Give from the Heart: Nourish yourself and others with inspired giving.
Be Present: Approach every task with mindfulness.
Breathe: Connect to your core and remain calm in the midst of chaos.
Laugh: Commit to joy every day through energizing laughter!

I also received the news that Health Communications – the publisher reviewing my new book – is not going to accept it. I choose peace about this, knowing that my path is organic, unique and that I am on it!