Giving and Receiving

“To give and to receive are one in truth.” This affirmation from A Course in Miracles is in my awareness of late.

I am a giver. In the past I have been an over-giver. Giving was, and is, a core value in my family. While I am so grateful that being open-hearted and generous of spirit was part of my upbringing, I am now having to integrate the truth that in order to give we need to know how to receive.

Two years ago I received a message from my higher self that I needed to develop a sense of “energetic entitlement” around receiving. The visual was a template located at my solar plexus that needed expanding.

Since that time, I have actively worked on my ability to receive, not only spiritually and emotionally, but materially. Just as unpleasant emotions flow on the same current as pleasant emotions, giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin. We cannot fully do either, unless we can do both.

As my life continues to unfold, I am aware that giving and receiving are one in truth – with receiving now supporting the giving instead of the other way around.

“Free Hugs”

I recently received a newsletter that shared a story of a man giving hugs in Australia. He would go to a mall and hold up a sign that said, “Free Hugs.” All day he would give hugs to people who were willing to receive them.

Some time later the hug-giving man lost his grandmother and became very sad. His musician friend who had taken a video of him giving hugs decided to put the video with a song and post it on the internet as a tribute to his sad friend.

So many of us desire to bring more love and light into the world. Giving goes on and on… What if we could see the never ending extention of our small acts of kindness?

Energy Make-over?

I received a make-over on TV today… I was worried to say the least. It was arranged one day when I was on as an energy coach and the producer and stylist started talking about what a good candidate I would be – who knew I was outdated! Denial is a beautiful thing.

I tried to get out of it at the last minute, but the universe obviously wanted this to happen. The producer did not receive my email and arranged it all while I was thinking it was cancelled.

Turns out I needed it… What convinced me was a comment the stylist made when he was done, “You just got rid of all the old energy in that hair…” All it took was the word energy and I was sold!

Not only do I look like a 70’s rock star with a modern flair, I’ve managed to shed some old energy and make room for the new.

Stop this Train

“Stop this train… I wanna get out and go home again, I can’t take the speed it’s movin’ in..” – John Mayer

I’m not sure if you have heard this song – and if so, if you’ve been able to listen to it without crying. He talks about not wanting to see his parents “go” and how he is “one generation’s length away” from fighting life out on his own.

He spoke to his father who said, “Don’t for a minute change the place your in…”

The song speaks of the bittersweetness of life and how, despite how heart wrenching it can be, we need to be in it – right where we are.

If you get a chance, grab a tissue and have a listen.

My folks driving away from my 42nd b-day party in my dad’s restored pick-up.

Four day work week?

Today I feel refreshed. It is Saturday. Last Saturday I gave a workshop and then had a busy week, so today I’m not working at all (except for this, which is fun!)

What I’ve noticed is that the magic in my world has faded a bit this week. Life is good, I’m happy and blessed – but have not had as many insights or inspiring moments as I usually do.

My conclusion? Being too busy is magic squashing. Someone a blog or two ago asked for suggestions on how to decrease stress and increase bliss, here’s one: Do less.

A four day work week seems right to me. It gives us enough time to take care of personal business and then to nourish ourselves. I realize that a four day work week isn’t possible for all of us, but perhaps there are other things we can cut out… There’s no formula here – down time gives us a chance to connect with our essence and feel ourselves – Fun, Fun!

I’m off to see my daughter play soccer. Happy weekend!


Check out the changes to my website. I’ve added a page on Energy Coaching and an Energy Assessment (PEI) so you can find out how energized you are!

A Reflection of Me?

My week has been odd. I wrote a blog entry last Saturday and the program has not allowed me to publish it all week. Further, there were no comments posted on my last blog. I was waiting on two important work emails for over a week, and was unable to get in touch with a dear friend.

When multiple incidences like that occur, I pay attention. There was a day or two in the middle of the week that I felt sad. I let the sadness bubble up and simply sat with it. Yesterday I woke up clear and reconnected to myself.

Wouldn’t you know it, when I turned on my computer there were the two work emails and a note from my friend! This morning my brother-in-law shared that there were comments on my last blog that were not showing up on the main screen. And I have high hopes that the program will let me publish this blog entry without a hitch…

Lately my outer world parallels my inner world with uncanny accuracy and immediacy. It seems clear to me that I was disconnected within – probably just sitting on some feelings that needed to surface – and the world was just being a mirror…


When I started my journey as a spiritual student and teacher fifteen years ago, my goal was to teach people spiritual principles so that they could become more fulfilled and inspired.

My heart still wants everyone to be blissed out most of the time, but I’m noticing that more and more people are just stressed out from daily life.

My goal at the moment is to help people get their lives back – get their energy back!

It is becoming increasingly clear that the more we are plugged into our spiritual core, or the more energized we are, the more buffered we are from stress. I’m finding in my own life that when my energy is low or depleted, I react to situations with less patience and deliberation than when I’m well nourished from within.

Further, it is our reaction to challenging events that cause stress producing chemicals to be released into our bodies, not the event itself. I know we have all heard this a thousand times, but are we getting it?

As a nation, we are becoming more addicted, more obese, and have more stress related illnesses than ever before. Have we forgotten that we are in control of ourselves? That we can be proactive and leave the house full of life and energy? That we can stay connected to this internal source by breathing mindfully throughout the day? That we can choose to do less and just be sometimes?

Do you think it’s possible to be calm in the midst of chaos or must we always lose our vital energy to the pace of modern day life?

Takes Your Breath Away

Have you ever had the experience of seeing something so spectacular that it took your breath away?

The other day my sister Kristine was talking about being in New York City after their biggest snow storm in ten years. “We took the subway to Central Park, and just as we were about to enter the park I looked up – the whole city was covered in white, even the buildings, and there wasn’t a soul in sight.” She went on to describe that her breath “left” and all she could do was stand there in awe.

I believe that this is the experience of timelessness. Great Yogi masters teach that at a point in meditation your breath stops for a moment as you join with all that is. How brilliant that a moment of pure captivation can transport us into eternity.

“I think it pisses God off when a person walks by a field of purple flowers and doesn’t notice.”

This line from The Color Purple brought tears to my eyes the first time I heard it years ago. I’ve been thinking about it a lot recently.

Think of all the life around us that goes unnoticed. I wonder about when I’m not appreciating myself, when I forget to appreciate my loved ones…

What if the life in all matter dances when it’s noticed and weeps when it’s ignored, or worse, judged? I wonder what would happen if we started to think in terms of hurting life’s feelings when we forget to appreciate it?

Attention and appreciation lead to inspiration. Perhaps that’s God’s way of thanking us.