Beliefs are Contagious

What if you could see a picture of your psyche? What would it contain? Of course, there would be the tip of the iceberg stuff – the aspects of yourself that you are aware of – but what if you were able to see all of the beliefs that you’ve unknowingly “caught” over the course of your lifetime?

These beliefs are called memes. We typically think of a meme as an funny image that goes viral, but a meme is defined as an idea or belief that is transmitted from person to person in a non-genetic way. In other words, we catch memes the way we catch colds.

Imagine seeing all of these unconscious memes floating around in your mind/body that you had no idea existed. There might be one from your first grade teacher stating that you are “slow.” Or perhaps you ingested a meme from your parents that you are difficult, hyper or stubborn.

We all have an unbelievable amount of unconscious memes driving our behavior, but it is possible to uncover these beliefs and excavate them from psyche? How do you do that? You pay attention. You become aware of what you are thinking and ask yourself, “Where did THAT come from?”

You may or may not be able to identify the source of a particular meme, as we can catch these nasty critters from just about anywhere. They are transmitted energetically. That means if someone believes something about you and never says a word about it, you can still catch the belief! We are also vulnerable to misguided beliefs floating around in society about power, money, looks and self-worth.

Simply watch yourself. Listen to what you say. Tune in to your own thought frequencies and see if they are in line with your true self or not. One by one, you can say, “You no longer belong here…” If you shine the light of awareness on a psychic meme and challenge its validity, it will lose power and start to diminish.

Finally, start acting a different way. We teach ourselves who we are with every word that is spoken and every action that is taken. Fake it ’til you make it is not just a fun saying. It’s real. If you change your words and behaviors, the memes that no longer have a vibrationally hospitable place to live, will scatter.

The choice to be who you really are is yours! It takes energy to have extreme awareness and change thinking and behaviors but after a while your real self takes over and momentum kicks in.

This process takes time but is well worth it. Inherited memes block a free flowing spirit. Every one of these false beliefs that you release gives you more energy to create a life that is aligned with your true nature. As always, if you have any questions or want to chat about this, send me an email at


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