Episode 4: Power in the New World

We have entered a new world—one that is highly connected, accelerated and transparent. And the rules of the game are changing right before our eyes.

Each of us has to decide for ourselves how we want to power our lives forward, but in a world permanently on fast forward, those who choose flow power are those who will rise to the top.

Flow is the power current of the new world. Jeremy Heimans and Henry Timms released a great book in 2018 called New Power. The book contrasts current-based power with currency-based power. The authors are focused on the use of social media to move society forward but the metaphors of current and currency apply to individuals as well.

Current-based power is grounded in science and embedded in all of nature. If we examine the laws of physics, biology, and electricity, we will find that each relies on flowing currents rather than an exchange of currency. Nature is powerful because of the currents running through it and we are no different.

Here are the new laws of power:

1.    Sustainable power is generated not consumed

2.    Energy is required for flow and flow is the source of power

3.    Purpose-driven contribution keeps us in the flow cycle

4.    Flow = Energy + Mastery

5.    What we give is what we receive

Love big and you are love. Create powerfully and you are a powerful creator. Practice your craft and mastery will carry you forward. Power in the new world flows from the inside-out not the outside-in.

Sure, we can choose to consume, buy or manipulate our way into a position of power but our transparent and accelerated world can strip it way in a nanosecond, which leaves us shivering on the inside and puffed up on the outside.

In short, power in the new world belongs to lovers, creators and those who persist in moving toward mastery. What we create can never be taken away. Life is a process and every moment holds an opportunity to generate something meaningful.

Listen to podcast entire episode: Power in a Vibrational World, here or on iTunes or Spotify.

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