Love Prevails

I came out of teaching the other day to the devastating news that my brother-in-law took his own life. Those of you who have dealt with the suicide of a loved one know that this is no easy task. It’s complex, confusing and devastating all at the same time. I’m writing about it here because after years of blogging, I’ve found that when I don’t share the big things, I get writer’s block. You can imagine the challenge of writing something light-hearted when your heart couldn’t be heavier.

Along with a heavy heart I have hope. Why? Because love prevails. We are still connected to my beloved brother in love. My family is lifting each other up in love, and because love never dies. In my close circle, there is no blame or anger, simply compassion for a man who was very sick (both with debilitating depression and a benign brain tumor that affected his ability to process stress). If there was a way out, he would have found it.

So rest in peace my sweet friend and shine down upon us with your bright and enduring spirit.

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