On Becoming Edgy

You know when you contain a lot of energy because your presence sharpens with intensity and you develop a palpable edge or border. Each time you honor your unique personality you infuse your being with energy. Each decision you make that reflects your true feelings rushes energy from your core into each of your cells and into the energy field that surrounds your body.

The upside of claiming and honoring your authentic self is empowerment and brightness. The downside is that sometimes being true to your core conflicts with other people’s agendas. That is when you feel your edge. And they feel your edge. You bump up against somebody else’s edge and chose not to cave in on yourself.

It takes time to get used to this feeling – you may already be proficient, or you may continue to feel the tension of another wanting to shape and define you, but yet, do not cave in to the expectation. Or, you may be empowered as long as it doesn’t offend, but when it does, you give your power away in order to “keep peace.”

Wherever you are in this process of becoming edgy – know that being edgy is a good thing – powerful and transformative.

– Passage from my upcoming book on personal energy management

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