Only Abundance

I’m experiencing an unfolding awareness about the nature of abundance that I’d like to share.

I understand the intellectual principles of abundance, but I’m not sure that I’ve integrated them the way I have some of the other spiritual truths. For me, none of this stuff is real until I feel it in my cells.

Earlier this week I had a glimpse of “experiential abundance.” I felt and realized that there is nothing other than abundance. Think about it. Life is procreating all around us all the time. cells multiply, water flows, energy expands.

This is along the same lines as light and darkness. Darkness is simply the absence of light and when light appears the darkness no longer exists. Abundance is the constant expansion of light, and the only thing that is real!

This may sound basic, but for me it feels profound and also liberating. It takes the work out of focusing on abundance when you realize that abundance is all there is:)

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