Stick or Quit

On my bulletin board I have a note that says “Stick or Quit” from a book called The Dip by Seth Godin. The idea behind this little book is quite profound. Godin says that everyone who achieves greatness in an area falls into a dip prior to succeeding that looks like the calm before a storm.

During the dip many people quit and move on to something else, yet the people who know in their hearts that they are good at what they do will endure and pass through the dip into great success.

He says that sometimes quiting is the right thing to do however – and that is when you cannot be the best. Godin recommends finding something that you love so much that you can be the best in your class while letting mediocrity go.

I heard Hannah Montana, the young singer that has every girl under 12 singing her songs and watching her Disney show, say that she threw up while on stage during her first audition. Even though she thought show business wasn’t for her after that incident, her heart knew that she had something to offer so she persevered.

Stick or Quit. Are you feeling tempted to give up something that you know in your heart is right for you? Or, do you need to quit something that is taking your energy, but is perhaps not your exact path?

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