Stress Bath

Last night I had a stress bath. I started worrying about something completely out of my control and rather than nip it in the bud as I usually do, I allowed myself to run in obsessive circles until I was swimming in stress hormones.

The chemicals released during this worry frenzy made me feel sick. I tossed and turned for most of the night and my body and head literally ached.

It has been some time since I allowed myself to sink into this sort of senseless behavior. Normally, I am vigilant about monitoring my thoughts and replacing them as soon as they become irrational.

Today I am on the mend. I meditated and wrote in my journal and have forgiven myself for allowing my thoughts to poison me. I even think there is a silver lining, in that I taught myself – once again – how powerful thoughts are. I also realize how pure my thoughts have been, and consequently how blissed out I feel most of the time.

I don’t plan to take another stress bath anytime soon. I’d rather swim in clear waters where I feel refreshed, calm and at peace.

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