The Energy of Desire

This is a frustrating time…

While I hope this finds you well, this pandemic has many of us on an emotional rollercoaster. Our desires are still alive and well but how do we bring them to fruition in a world that’s frozen in time?

The truth is there has never been a better time to activate your desires. But we live in a new world and the rules of the game have changed.

We are being called to create our lives in real time. In the old world, when life moved much slower, it worked to set a goal and slowly work toward it. Today’s world doesn’t give us the luxury of time so we must create what we want right now.

How do you do that? Let’s look to modern physics for the answer. We exist in a sea of waves that collapse into particles to become matter. To activate your desire in the present, simply let go of your idea of what your desire will look like (the particle) and focus on the feeling it will generate within you (the wave).

If you want health, take actions today that will bring more health into your body and relish in the feeling of your cells coming alive from a nutritious smoothie or a good workout.

If you want love. Love yourself. Love the tree at the end of your street. Love the people who are currently in your life. Bring your desires to life right now and in time, the outcome will delight and surprise you. Bottom line: We can’t control form (particles) but we can create waves. 

For more on the energy of desires, tune into episode 14: The Energy of Desire on my High Vibrational Life podcast.

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