
I’m having a blast doing radio shows all over the country to promote The Energy Cure and spread the message of inspired living. The best part is that I can call in from home – in my pajamas if I’d like, which most of the time suits me just fine:)

Here’s a show that you can tune into if you’d like:

1/25 9:35am MTN, Seattle based program, Chat with Women, listen live on-line at http://www.chatwithwomen.com/.

Staying Open

It’s always fun to have a new awareness. When the Truth hits it always feels new – even if we’ve heard it or known it before.

The idea of “Staying Open” is one such truth that keeps coming back to me. There are so many ways to constrict life flow – we can constrict it at its base by remaining perpetually in our heads, we can constrict it at the solar plexus by giving our power away to other people, food or substances and then chasing it in the hopes that we can somehow get it back… And many of us stop it right at the heart level for fear of being hurt again.

Spiritual energy naturally extends through us, we don’t need to work at it, our only job is to make sure we don’t constrict it in any way. Remaining open is not for sissy’s (is that a word?), rather it’s the job of a warrior – someone with courage and valiance.

That’s why Bright Ones are so precious – true brightness is hard won, but in the end it’s the only way.

“Kidneys are where it’s at…”

Yesterday I went to a yoga class where balls are used to stretch and release kinks in muscles, as well as calcifications in the feet, and the rest of the body. It’s a two hour class offered at At One Yoga called yoga and body rolling

The teacher, Kat Puralewski Myers (as seen with a yoga ball), is a Bright One. She’s completely radiant and incredibly enthusiastic about the human body. She danced into the class with a huge anatomy book and talked to us for several minutes about the kidneys, referring to them as “beautiful red jewels.”

“I’m telling you, Kidneys are where it’s at…” She would say as she passionately spoke about these beauties and what we were going to do in class to support them in their cleansing function.

She taught us that it’s important to cultivate strength in the “Sea of Energy,” which is two fingers below the belly button. She said that when you contract this area the kidneys lift and are able to take their rightful royal place in the body.

The class was a pure joy – not only because I learned a lot, but because I got to witness one of the world’s brightest in action.

I’ll never think of kidneys again in the same way.

Exciting Times!

With The Energy Cure now available in bookstores and on-line, the promotional efforts have officially begun. Radio Interviews, newspaper articles, and television are all on my schedule for the coming weeks.

Now, more than ever, I’m being called to practice what I preach. I notice each time my breathing gets shallow in response to an approaching deadline or crack-of-dawn radio interview for an East Coast program.

What keeps coming to me is that it’s all about this moment – no matter what. It’s all about staying connected to life and being present in an immediate way to whoever or whatever is in front of me.

I’m so grateful for this opportunity to spread the word of energized living, and my goal – first and foremost – is to demonstrate these life-enriching principles as I teach them.

Back to Work

Now that the holidays are over and we’re getting back into the normal swing of things, let’s remember to stay grounded and resist the temptation to dip into fight or flight mode when everyday challenges arise.

My belief is that many of us sub-consciously put our bodies into fight or flight mode to get the adrenaline boost it provides. The road before us gets bumpy and we start catastrophizing in our heads while breathing shallowly, or worse yet, forgetting to breathe at all!

Fight or flight mode is a huge energy drain and should only be invoked when true danger is present – being late to a meeting or having a disagreement with a loved on is not life threatening and need not be treated as such.

This year can be different. Let’s watch our thoughts when we hit a snag and remember to breathe. You can consciously avert this “stress bath,” as I called it a few blogs back, but it requires mindfulness and a desire not to live on excess cortisol and adrenaline, both of which cause stress related illnesses, weight gain, aging and overall impairment of mental and physical functioning.

As we breathe deeply and remember to think realistically, we will experience more enjoyment and energy in the great year of 2008!

It’s the first day of the New Year – 2008 is a year of absolute richness. It’s a year to enjoy each other completely, to savor every bite of food, to notice the vibrant colors that surround us, and to relax deeply into the present and feast on the abundant gifts contained in each moment.

We can only experience this amount of pleasure when we’re free of guilt. Guilt tarnishes the brilliance that lies in front of us, therefore, taking care of ourselves becomes a prerequisite for pure enjoyment.

To be completely guilt-free, look at how your choices affect your energy, not only in the present, but over the course of two or three days. Each time you’re at a crossroads trying to decide what to eat, or whether or not to exercise or clean your house, simply ask yourself, “Will ____ bind me in guilt, or free me inside, over the next couple of days?”

This approach to life is reinforcing and inspiring. It frees us from having to rely solely on will-power, which is often grueling and short-lived. Aside from the brief sting you’ll feel while walking away from that yummy plate of cookies, you’ll feel free.

May you enjoy the absolute richness of 2008 – Happy New Year!

Stress Bath

Last night I had a stress bath. I started worrying about something completely out of my control and rather than nip it in the bud as I usually do, I allowed myself to run in obsessive circles until I was swimming in stress hormones.

The chemicals released during this worry frenzy made me feel sick. I tossed and turned for most of the night and my body and head literally ached.

It has been some time since I allowed myself to sink into this sort of senseless behavior. Normally, I am vigilant about monitoring my thoughts and replacing them as soon as they become irrational.

Today I am on the mend. I meditated and wrote in my journal and have forgiven myself for allowing my thoughts to poison me. I even think there is a silver lining, in that I taught myself – once again – how powerful thoughts are. I also realize how pure my thoughts have been, and consequently how blissed out I feel most of the time.

I don’t plan to take another stress bath anytime soon. I’d rather swim in clear waters where I feel refreshed, calm and at peace.

Stick or Quit

On my bulletin board I have a note that says “Stick or Quit” from a book called The Dip by Seth Godin. The idea behind this little book is quite profound. Godin says that everyone who achieves greatness in an area falls into a dip prior to succeeding that looks like the calm before a storm.

During the dip many people quit and move on to something else, yet the people who know in their hearts that they are good at what they do will endure and pass through the dip into great success.

He says that sometimes quiting is the right thing to do however – and that is when you cannot be the best. Godin recommends finding something that you love so much that you can be the best in your class while letting mediocrity go.

I heard Hannah Montana, the young singer that has every girl under 12 singing her songs and watching her Disney show, say that she threw up while on stage during her first audition. Even though she thought show business wasn’t for her after that incident, her heart knew that she had something to offer so she persevered.

Stick or Quit. Are you feeling tempted to give up something that you know in your heart is right for you? Or, do you need to quit something that is taking your energy, but is perhaps not your exact path?


I love Christmas. Every year I spend hours in the evenings listening to my favorite Kenny Loggins holiday CD (December) while gazing at the Christmas tree. It’s a time when I think of everyone and want to tell them how much they mean to me.

Last night I was wishing I could send everyone I know a Christmas card and then I thought to do a Christmas Card blog! So here it is. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and yours. I hope your holiday season is filled with peace and joy.

Love, Kim