High Vibrational Life Podcast Launch


I’m thrilled to announce the launch of my new podcast: High Vibrational Life. This first episode is about what it means to live a high vibrational life. Here is an excerpt:

Let’s talk about what it means to live a high vibrational life. We live in a sea of energy–everything has a vibration–and we’re becoming increasingly sensitive to the vibrations around us. It’s almost like words don’t mean anything. If a person has a shady vibe or a low vibe or a heavy vibe, we respond to that. We can feel it on the inside, and it’s important that we do. Because as life continues to speed up, vibration is going to become our primary language. It’s not going to be English, it’s not going to be Spanish, it’s not going to be Japanese. It’s going to be the language of vibration. So it’s really important that we we trust ourselves as we’re tuning into vibration and that we show up to our lives and to the people in our lives as the most high vibrational person that we can be.

Click here to listen or tune-in on Spotify or iTunes!

Beliefs are Contagious

What if you could see a picture of your psyche? What would it contain? Of course, there would be the tip of the iceberg stuff – the aspects of yourself that you are aware of – but what if you were able to see all of the beliefs that you’ve unknowingly “caught” over the course of your lifetime?

These beliefs are called memes. We typically think of a meme as an funny image that goes viral, but a meme is defined as an idea or belief that is transmitted from person to person in a non-genetic way. In other words, we catch memes the way we catch colds.

Imagine seeing all of these unconscious memes floating around in your mind/body that you had no idea existed. There might be one from your first grade teacher stating that you are “slow.” Or perhaps you ingested a meme from your parents that you are difficult, hyper or stubborn.

We all have an unbelievable amount of unconscious memes driving our behavior, but it is possible to uncover these beliefs and excavate them from psyche? How do you do that? You pay attention. You become aware of what you are thinking and ask yourself, “Where did THAT come from?”

You may or may not be able to identify the source of a particular meme, as we can catch these nasty critters from just about anywhere. They are transmitted energetically. That means if someone believes something about you and never says a word about it, you can still catch the belief! We are also vulnerable to misguided beliefs floating around in society about power, money, looks and self-worth.

Simply watch yourself. Listen to what you say. Tune in to your own thought frequencies and see if they are in line with your true self or not. One by one, you can say, “You no longer belong here…” If you shine the light of awareness on a psychic meme and challenge its validity, it will lose power and start to diminish.

Finally, start acting a different way. We teach ourselves who we are with every word that is spoken and every action that is taken. Fake it ’til you make it is not just a fun saying. It’s real. If you change your words and behaviors, the memes that no longer have a vibrationally hospitable place to live, will scatter.

The choice to be who you really are is yours! It takes energy to have extreme awareness and change thinking and behaviors but after a while your real self takes over and momentum kicks in.

This process takes time but is well worth it. Inherited memes block a free flowing spirit. Every one of these false beliefs that you release gives you more energy to create a life that is aligned with your true nature. As always, if you have any questions or want to chat about this, send me an email at kk@kimberlykingsley.com.


The Middle Path

This might sound strange, but I can’t help but be hopeful in the midst of the chaotic political/social storm that we’re in right now. How else would we be able transform the underbelly of this country had it not been exposed?

The extreme polarization of views that we’re witnessing is ultimately going to give way to what Buddha called the Middle Path – a path of righteousness that arises out of a man or woman who operates from values and integrity.

Integrity implies integration. It is impossible to experience the inner peace that comes from living a life that is fully aligned with one’s values and be a polarizing figure at the same time. Walking the middle path means that we take responsibility for our projections (judgements charged with emotion); and instead, direct that energy toward being the best version of ourselves possible.

A revolution is not coming, for it is already here my friends.

The Power of Psychological Flow

We’ve all had the experience of being so involved in an activity that time flies or perhaps even stands still. A state in which awareness and activity merge to form a creative synergy that elevates you above mundane concerns, and where, like a waterfall, energy rushes through your body toward the object of your attention.

When you do finally descend from this state, you have a glow–a flow glow. You aren’t tired, drained or stressed. Rather, you are literally high on life.

Such is the power of flow.

Those who experience flow on a regular basis such as poets or musicians crave this intoxicating feeling and begin to seek it out in other areas of their lives. One of the characteristics of this state is that you realize immediately when you’re in it due to the exceptional level of mental/emotional harmony.

A life lived in flow is seamless. This inner harmony becomes much more desirable than, say, the surge of adrenalin that comes from a fit of road rage.

We have entered an era characterized by unprecedented rates of change. Life in twenty years will be unrecognizable to older generations. The age of innovation has given us a mandate: either hold on to form as you now know it or learn to go with the flow.

While some people stumble upon flow while mastering a skill, others choose to cultivate this fluidity as a way of life. Everyday flow is the critical skill of the 21st century. Tomorrow’s leaders will be adept at flow. They will be interpersonal ninjas who remain impervious to drama and negativity. They will experience internal harmony despite the chaos of rapid change.

Form or flow? Form changes. Those who choose to fight in order to hold onto position or power will soon lose their grip. Those who rise to the top will have cultivated a level of agility that only comes from the power of flow.

3 Signs of Relationship Karma

I've Had Enough

Do you have relationship karma? Do you keep meeting the same type of people, or worse yet, having the same fight over and over with the same person? If so, you may be carrying some relationship karma that is holding you back.

3 signs of relationship karma:

  1. Certain types of people or specific behaviors drive you crazy. It could be controlling people, flaky people or even outgoing people that make you want to pull your hair out.
  1. You’re in a close relationship with someone that is “complicated.” It could be a parent, a boss or a partner. Either he or she wants more from you or you want more from them. This cycle of push/pull leads to power struggles. You’re tired of the struggle but have no idea what to do about it.
  1. You get highly emotional when you have to deal with these behaviors or difficult relationships. You may feel frustrated, angry or hurt over and over again…

In my book Modern Hippie, I talk about untangling from those who steal your peace. Untangling doesn’t necessarily mean cutting ties (although it may), but it does require reclaiming your power and energy from the unhealthy dynamic.

The saying, “It takes two to tango,” is really true. Even those who are victims of emotional abuse are allowing themselves to remain in a position where the victimization continues. This doesn’t apply to children of course, because they aren’t yet equipped to take their power back.

Karma is a form of momentum. It is a pattern that has been occurring for so long that the emotional and mental energies easily flow down a well worn path. This phenomenon is well documented in brain science. We develop connections in the brain that become stronger with use.

Nothing feels better than emotional freedom and inner peace. This level of freedom is like being a child again. When we aren’t engaged in complicated relationship dynamics, we can be truly present to the world and all its beauty and majesty.


Wellness App

wellness image

I’m working on a new project that I’m so excited about that I wanted to share!

Earlier in the year I was contacted by a start-up company that’s creating a wellness app of coaches giving short audible sessions on different topics like relationships and health. I am one of the coaches and will be doing a couple of programs on energy!

I’m finishing up my first program now and having so much fun with it. I love the idea of helping people who are busy and may not have the resources to have one on one coaching session.

Stay tuned! The app is being launched this fall. I’ll post more info as we get closer!

Personal Growth in 2016

Happy New Year 2016

There’s a wave of energy in 2016 that is going to uplift those of us who have done the work of untangling from relationship drama and focusing on heart-based personal growth. Many of us have built a strong container for spirit. We have repaired the leaks in our energetic container and processed the emotional heaviness. This is the year that we get to ride the wave! Just love yourself completely and you will be on the wave. It’s that simple. Looking forward to year full of adventure and promotion.